Same hash for different values - response (1) by ulrich
The hashrow has to few bits, so hash collissions are common. It doesn't have the same properties as a SHA1 hash.
View ArticleWhere do I download TTU 14.x for TD Express running on a SUSE Linux VM? -...
Hi, I've recently joined Teradata and am trying to complete the TD Mapping Manager Course I've installed TD Express 14:00 on a SUSE Linux VM on my Windows 7 Laptop and I'm trying to install TTU 14 as...
View ArticleIs there any way to handle single digit's in date? - response (3) by...
Dieter, Got the function to_timestamp. But this is the timestamp format i am getting from the source"May 10 2013 10:58:04:393AM", how can i load this into the TD table with the datatype as...
View ArticleGet last full 20 weeks with function ADD_MONTHS(date - EXTRACT(day FROM date)...
Hi community, first of all, sorry for my bad english, I'm doing by best! I've a question. I need to get database-entries for the last full 20 weeks, but the query should be dynamic. Example for...
View ArticleIs there any way to handle single digit's in date? - response (4) by ulrich
Try SEL TO_TIMESTAMP('May 10 2013 10:58:04:3934PM', 'Month dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:ssssAM')
View ArticleIs there any way to handle single digit's in date? - response (5) by dnoeth
The format for fractional seconds in Oracle is FFx, SSSSS is the number of seconds since midnight. SEL TO_TIMESTAMP('May 10 2013 10:58:04:3934PM', 'Month dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:FF4AM') Dieter
View ArticleCHR function fails - response (3) by Ten98
Teradata does not have CHR by default, your DBA has to install it for you. This is the error message you will get if you do not have CHR installed.Teradata does have an equivalent though, it uses...
View ArticleSame hash for different values - response (2) by ToddAWalter
This actually demonstrates an interesting property of the Teradata hash function. Providing the same values in a different order will result in the same hash - on purpose. This makes it possible for us...
View ArticleSame hash for different values - response (3) by Shelley
Also what you are trying to do is not going to provide any real value. You are using constants instead of true column values (whichtypically have different data types and will therefore be hashed...
View ArticleGet last full 20 weeks with function ADD_MONTHS(date - EXTRACT(day FROM date)...
This will calculate the previous monday (when your week starts on sunday change to DATE '0001-01-07'): datecol - ((datecol - DATE '0001-01-01') MOD 7)And now it's easy to substract 20*7 days :-) Dieter
View ArticleHealthcare X.12 interface - response (3) by HC-LDM
Hi Larry, I will respond in case you haven't found an answer by now... and to let you know I will be checking this site regularly for healthcare modeling questions. Teradata does not have an automated...
View ArticleSQL to find Row Count - response (7) by AndrewSchroter
The column queryid can be used to join those DSBQL tables/views as well as the DBQLOBJTBL together. Queryid is a system wide unique value.
View ArticleCouldn't able to Connect to SQLA for Windows 7 - forum topic by tdradha
Hi, I receive the following error when starting SQL Assistant v13.10 in Windows 7. Could not find special directory 'My Documents'. Unexpected Error. ... I heard that there are some Regestry entries...
View Article.NET Data Provider for Teradata - forum topic by ronirwin
Hello, I have written a script utility that inserts and updates to a Teradata 13 database and I'm currently using the .NET Data Provider for Teradata We're about to upgrade to TD 14 soon....
View ArticleImport Null values from excel to Teradata SQL Assistant - forum topic by...
Hi All, I have a pipe-delimited file which I importing to Teradata SQL Assistant using "Import Data" option. I have defined "|" as column delimiter in Teradta SQL Assistant. But, the columns that are...
View Articlemore than one value was returned by subquery - forum topic by MMM
Here is the query code that causes an error "more than one value was returned by subquery'. What is the best way to re-write the query so it can run efficiently and also without this error message to...
View ArticleWith Teradata Studio why does a timestamp(0) export with trailing .0 -...
The '.0' is the result of calling the Java toString() function on a Timestamp value. We will look into resolving this problem when the scale is zero.
View ArticleHow to design next-generation data models - forum topic by HC-LDM
I read an article in Healthcare It News by Shahid Shah about Electronic Health Record (EHR) modeling. Mr. Shah enumerated seven (7) design principles for next generation modeling. Being the product...
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