Loop Statement in Teradata Stored Procedure - forum topic by cklam
Does anyone know how to write a loop statement within a Teradata stored procedure? Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: SELECT...... FROM...... WHERE CUST_NAME = 'AMY' SELECT...... FROM...... WHERE...
View Articlemore than one value was returned by subquery - response (1) by Fred
It seems that the same EMP_NBR may have multiple EMP_PI_JOIN_KEY values. Why not GROUP BY C.EMP_PI_JOIN_KEY in the scalar subquery?
View ArticleTPT: system variables with result count - response (10) by TonyL
What Teradata CLIv2 version are you using? According to the TPT log, you did not specified a value for the TPT Update operator's TdpId attribute. As a workaround, can you specify a value for the TPT...
View ArticleMERGE...WHEN NOT MATCHED INSERT into 2 separate tables - forum topic by tstrick4
Is there any way to have a MERGE INTO statement insert rows into 2 separate tables? In the example below, t3 is a work table that will hold the value of :a when the WHEN MATCHED condition is not met....
View ArticleI need remove '' of rows - response (1) by Harpreet Singh
SELECT SUBSTR(name,1, POSITION('' IN name))||TRIM(SUBSTR(name,POSITION('' IN name)))
View Articlebiee connect to teradata - forum topic by williambaldwin
who can tell me how to make biee connect to teradata, is there some tools or some document?Tags: bieeForums: Connectivity
View ArticleTPT wizard 13.10 issues - forum topic by Harpreet Singh
Hi, We mostly face these two issues with TPT scripts generated using TPT wizard ver 13.10. Are there any patches available to fix these. 1. LDAP mechanism is used for login. In TPT script generated,...
View ArticleRetrive column name from the table instead of column value which is having...
I need column names from the table which is having leading space. To find out this, created stored procedure. The procedure first selecting the columns from the table whch is of char datatype then...
View ArticleLoop Statement in Teradata Stored Procedure - response (1) by dnoeth
Why different queries? Couldn't you simply use WHERE CUST_NAME = 'AMY' OR CUST_NAME = 'JAMES'? Or if this was just an example and you're actually accessing different tables: SELECT ... UNION ALL...
View ArticleRetrive column name from the table instead of column value which is having...
Without knowing the source of your SP it's hard to tell what's wrong with it. Dieter
View ArticleMERGE...WHEN NOT MATCHED INSERT into 2 separate tables - response (1) by dnoeth
You can't do that with MERGE. Do you need the actual rows or just the count? The number of Inserts/Updates is available in dbc.QryLogSTepsV (if it's enabled): StepName 'MRM', RowCount = Inserted,...
View ArticleGet last full 20 weeks with function ADD_MONTHS(date - EXTRACT(day FROM date)...
First of all, thanks for your help! I've to say that I'm new the teradata and the whole database thing! I do not completly understand this function. Sure I know what mod is. But why subtract 0001-01-07...
View ArticleNew Thread Notifications - forum topic by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
Hi All, Not sure if I am the only one facing this issue or someone else is experiencing the same problem as well. I used to receive the email notifications for all the new threads opened now for last...
View ArticleFastLoad Error: FDL4830 CHAR/BYTE Type - record too short - response (7) by...
the same problem has annoyed to me also and i am looking for some appropriate solution to it, a help would be appreciated here
View ArticleGet last full 20 weeks with function ADD_MONTHS(date - EXTRACT(day FROM date)...
Jeder fängt mal neu an, kein Problem :-) Add/substract a number of days from a DATE is just DATE +/- x.(datecol - DATE'0001-01-01') returns the number of days between those dates. DATE '0001-01-01' is...
View ArticleGet last full 20 weeks with function ADD_MONTHS(date - EXTRACT(day FROM date)...
Hab mich nicht getraut auf deutsch zu schreiben weil ja englisches Forum :) - deshalb auch Englisch weiter. thanks again for your help! at this time, I'm not into this database-thinking, I hope it will...
View ArticleRetrive column name from the table instead of column value which is having...
source of the procedure is DBName, tablename I hard code the tablename , the proc will check for the data type of the field, if it is char then it will take the field data for validation(checking...
View ArticleRetrive column name from the table instead of column value which is having...
I ment the source code, you do something wrong in your insert. Dieter
View ArticleRetrive column name from the table instead of column value which is having...
View ArticleRetrive column name from the table instead of column value which is having...
Your query should fail because you compare to "" instead of '' and there's no blank netween SAMPLE and 1. Quote FLD_NM in your select, two single quotes result in one single quote, this should work:...
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