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how to load multiple files in fastload - response (15) by anubha_harrison

There are multiple ways to create a TPT Script. i) Manually write the Scripts following the documents or Sample Scripts ii) Teradata Parallel Transporter Wizard to create scripts dynamically that...

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teradeta sql - forum topic by HenryMiguel

Can we store the start time , end time & number of rows affected by a SQL  into another table in teradata, Can any one help in this ?Tags: bteq exex sql statsForums: Training

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backup completed with warnings -- netvault - forum topic by venkat4231

Hi all,  I am new to netvault and I am seeing below message in the log file after the backup finishes...  06/01/2013 02:21:01 *** Warning ARC1015:Table "logonoff_hist" : in the process  of getting...

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Numeric overflow occurred during computation? - response (9) by dnoeth

cast(400.000000000 * 100000000  as decimal(38,8)) --> multiplication first, maximum number of digits for the result of the calculationbased on MAXDECIMAL: 18 (fails ), then CAST  cast(400.000000000...

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backup completed with warnings -- netvault - response (1) by dnoeth

Hi Venkat, there was a restore on that table which was not yet finished:  ARC1015 Table %s : in the process of getting Restored Explanation: Dump & Restore can not happen concurrently on the same...

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OBiee enquiry - response (1) by ANANDEKBOTE

 I found this document. It is pretty simple for beginner’s to starts with :http://www.scribd.com/doc/116239895/Implementing-Strategy-Tree-pdf

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Numeric overflow occurred during computation? - response (10) by paulxia39

Dieter:        Thank you very much.        I just want to know ,when I excute the follow sql: sel cast(400.000000000 * 100000000 as decimal(18,2)). Does it excute multiplication fisrt or cast first? If...

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hi,  I would suggest http://www.bispsolutions,  they are very good at technology & giving online solutions. more information please contact at : kapil.devang@bisptrainings.com

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teradeta sql - response (2) by dnoeth

Hi Henry, you mean within a script in (based on your tags) BTEQ? There's ACTIVITYCOUNT, but you can't use it outside of .IF ACTIVITYCOUNT  :-(  Possible solutions: - write a NOTIFY exit in C and use it...

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Numeric overflow occurred during computation? - response (11) by dnoeth

Now i see, it's magic :-) Don't know the exact reason, this seems to apply the cast before/while the multiplication maybe because (18,2) is within the default precision of MAXDECIMAL?  Dieter

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teradeta sql - response (3) by dnoeth

Btw, would you three guys HenryMiguel, ANANDEKBOTE and ManishNayek (if they're actually different people) please stop posting new threads, just to answer them each other promoting the same training...

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Numeric overflow occurred during computation? - response (12) by paulxia39

Dieter:         Thank you .         I think you are right.Because when cast to decimal(19,2) it also get error.But when cast to decimal(17,2), there is no problem. Paul

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backup completed with warnings -- netvault - response (2) by venkat4231

Hi, But after the backup completed, I checked and I couldn't find the table in the DB. Also, when the DB is getting backed up, how come restore process starts, it is manually someone is trying to do it...

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TPT: system variables with result count - response (9) by teradata12

Hi Tony, Please find the log below after running with  VARCHAR TraceLevel = 'ALL',   TPT_INFRA: TPT04101: Warning: TMSM failed to initialize Teradata Parallel Transporter Coordinator Version...

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DATABASE BACKUP - response (10) by Michaelcanady

wow thats a perfect substitute and impressive knowledge that would help me a lot with this query to set up my database

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TPT Standalone Tool - forum topic by soumyajit

Hi! I am working on a project where I need to grab data from remote Teradata instance into a linux node and then push it back into the Teradata instance after some processing. I am currently using the...

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Is there any way to handle single digit's in date? - response (2) by...

Thanks Dieter for de promt response :-) One more doubt, do we have anythign similar to handle the timestamp directly or we need to substring and convert it to proper timestamp?

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Teradata DBA Traninig in Hyderabad? - response (52) by bshaik

Any good training institue to learn teradata

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Same hash for different values - forum topic by kusumayella

   Hi All,  I tried to see hasrow for 2 sets of data, almost same data except for few values,I was expecting it to return different hashrows as all the values are not same but i got same hashrow for...

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How do I access a VMWare hosted Teradata Express from a local TD Mapping...

Hi, I've recently joined Teradata and am trying to complete the TD Mapping Manager Course I've installed TD Express 14:00 on a SUSE Linux VM on my Windows 7 Laptop and I'm trying to install TTU 14 as...

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