This actually demonstrates an interesting property of the Teradata hash function. Providing the same values in a different order will result in the same hash - on purpose. This makes it possible for us to ensure that when multiple columns are hashed together that they will hash the same regardless of the column order and thus will hash to the same AMP and will join appropriately.
There is no expectation or intention that the Teradata hash function will be uniqueness preserving (or order preserving). That is not an intent of the design.
This actually demonstrates an interesting property of the Teradata hash function. Providing the same values in a different order will result in the same hash - on purpose. This makes it possible for us to ensure that when multiple columns are hashed together that they will hash the same regardless of the column order and thus will hash to the same AMP and will join appropriately.
There is no expectation or intention that the Teradata hash function will be uniqueness preserving (or order preserving). That is not an intent of the design.