Cursor-Getting Error - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Amarnath, IF( K>1000) THENSET V_TOTAL=V_TOTAL+K; Dieter
View ArticleHow to get 2 value from same id and same column? - response (4) by nubie
thank you for your kindness, but i try another way to solve it because Cognos can't execute with recursive. :)
View ArticleHow to get 2 value from same id and same column? - response (5) by dnoeth
How many rows into one column? Is there a know maximum? A typical solution might involve aggregation using MIN(CASE) or OLAP. Btw, if Cognos can't use recursion you can create a recursive view and tell...
View ArticleJDBC error code list? - forum topic by jan.simecka
Is there a list of error codes (and the associated messages) of all the SQLExceptions that the Teradata JDBC driver throws? I can't find it anywhere in the documentation... Thanks, Jan Tags:...
View ArticleGet the count of rows in the respective tables using cursors - forum topic by...
Hi I have a scenario like If I fired a query ,i will be getting a list of tables.In addition to that,I need to get the count of that tables. What I thought is to make use of cursors inside a...
View ArticleSynchronized scanning - response (11) by Shelley
sorry, i did not read your comment correctly. for the row hash match join , the scan is going on as the join is happening --Shelley--
View Articleusing a Timestamp value within a dynamic sql statement - forum topic by bala2121
Hi All, I want to execute the below call procedure statement using a dynamic sql within a For loop of stored procedure. call dbc.sysexecsql ('CALL...
View ArticleUsing FastLoad for Volatile Table - forum topic by Stiphu
I'm Trying to load data from a file into a volatile table. Following my FastLoad Job Script: sessions 2; errlimit 25; logon xxxx/yyyy,zzzz; CREATE VOLATILE TABLE yyyy.vt_employee ( EmpNo SMALLINT,...
View Articleselected non-aggregate values must be part of the associated group - forum...
I'm trying to run the following query: SELECT vtiger_products.productcategory AS "Product Category", SUM(vtiger_inventoryproductrel.quantity) AS "Line Item Qt" FROM bi_batch.vtiger_inventoryproductrel...
View ArticleSQL results in Studio 14.2 don't match results from SQL Assistant 13.10 -...
When I execute the code below in Teradata Studio 14.2, I get 0 rows returned. When I execute it in SQL Assistant 13.10, I get 129 rows, which is correct. The connections for both applications point...
View ArticleUsing FastLoad for Volatile Table - response (1) by dnoeth
A Volatile table only exists within the current session and automatically dropped at logoff. The VT is created by the FastLoad control session (i wonder why this doesn't fail) and then the FastLoad...
View Articleselected non-aggregate values must be part of the associated group - response...
Ahh, the well known 3504 error :-) You have to add GROUP BY 1 or GROUP BY vtiger_products.productcategory Dieter
View Articleusing a Timestamp value within a dynamic sql statement - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Bala, you have to use an implicit typecast for a TIMSTAMP column: CAST(timestamp_variable as VARCHAR(24). But i doubt you can use dynamic SQL to CALL an SP. Dieter
View ArticleSQL results in Studio 14.2 don't match results from SQL Assistant 13.10 -...
Studio's uses ANSI sessions as default while SQLA uses the system's default (and this is usually Teradata mode): In ANSI mode any string literal is case specific, so "databasename in( 'FPDW_core')"...
View ArticleGet the count of rows in the respective tables using cursors - response (1)...
If you need an exact count the only reliable way is to run a COUNT(*). If doesn't have to be exact, extracting it from stats uses no additional resources. Dieter
View ArticleSQL results in Studio 14.2 don't match results from SQL Assistant 13.10 -...
Studio will default the TMODE to the recommended value of ANSI. When in ANSI mode, the character comparisons are always CASESPECIFIC. You may also get truncation of trailing non-blank characters which...
View ArticleHow to calculate space taken by a volatile table? - forum topic by...
Hi Experts, I was having a discussion with one of my peer regarding the table size calculation for a VT. As VT is not stored in any of the Db and is local to user which is currently logged in. As...
View ArticleCloning a user including access rights - response (2) by cnaveen05
Are you using ROLES to assign access to individual users or doing it one at a time? Using roles you would just have to give the access once and align all the users to the ROLE.
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