Problem While Joining Views: Intermediate spool being used in stead of View...
Hi Sayantan the optimizer sems to think this is the best option. Could you show the query plus explain? Statistics? Dieter
View ArticleINSERT Failed. 2646: No more spool space in sinpuv - response (1) by dnoeth
As you already noticed, 20GB is not enough to run that query, but what do you expect when you join a 120 million row fact table to several dimensions without any WHERE-condition? The query needs 112GB...
View ArticleOn Update Current_TimeStamp - forum topic by SHF
The customer is asking if there is a feature like 'On Update' ( as in SQL Server) to update the Current Timestamp in a table in Teradata? The customer is currently on 12.03 release. Table Definition...
View ArticleMload - Informatica - cannot insert NULL value into NOT NULL column -...
Hi Cheeli, Can you provide some more details like products' versions, mload scripts(maybe be generated by Informatica in your case), job outputs/logs which conatins the error 'cannot insert NULL value...
View ArticleNeed to delete the row from the table which is duplicate on entire row -...
1) should not have any changes to the target table structure ( i mean we should n't alter the table) Table T1 contains Col1, Col2 1,A 1,A 2,B 2,B 2,B 3,C 4,D 4,E 4,F delete the entire duplicate row...
View ArticleSynchronized scanning - response (10) by Shelley
the synchronized scanning is for pulling the data for building the hash join subtable, it is not part of the join itself. --Shelley--
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (112) by cnaveen05
HI Todd, Please provide me the material.
View ArticleProblem with unixODBC and teradata - response (4) by rb725
Anyone know the answer to this one? or a post with a fix?
View ArticleFull Table Scans - forum topic by usmans
Hi All, I would like to know where the information is about queries performing Full Table Scans or using Index Scans. If you could share the query that would be really great. This would really help me...
View ArticleHow to Calculate the total IO used by System for a particular week - response...
Any reply on the above?
View ArticleTeradata SQL? - response (2) by TcognosD
I want both MONTH_END_DATE and MONTH_BGN_DATE. thanks.
View ArticleSQL rewrite - Group by - forum topic by TcognosD
The following query gives the higest #number count per day, which is 7 rows each for 1 day. I want to include HOURS column to the results set with changing the resulting result set.So I want to know at...
View Articlequalify rank() over (partition) - question - response (9) by gksenthilkumar
Sorry for late response, I tried but it didn’t work as expected and expecting belowcreatetable ppi (a int, b date, c int, d int); insertinto ppi values (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,1);insertinto ppi values...
View ArticleOn Update Current_TimeStamp - response (1) by CarlosAL
No 'On Update' feature in TD (it seems more appropriate for OLTP's, not DW's) You may use a TRIGGER instead. HTH Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleSQL rewrite - Group by - response (1) by dnoeth
First i would simplify the calculation on LOG_TIME, why do you cast every part to a string? CAST((log_time (FORMAT 'hh:mi:ss')) AS CHAR(8)) AS HOUR_MIN_SECYou might also avoid typecasting to a string:...
View ArticleTeradata SQL? - response (3) by dnoeth
Sorry, i didn't notice it was different columns. Simply UNION ALL both selects. Dieter
View ArticleCursor-Getting Error - forum topic by AmarnathG
Hi Experts, I am getting following error whlie creating cursor.Please help me. Create procedure Order_Proc() Begin Declare K INTEGER default 0; Declare V_TOTAL INTEGER default 0; Declare v_empno...
View ArticleNeed to delete the row from the table which is duplicate on entire row -...
This has been asked and answered over and over... Your mileage may vary, but in the end you can apply some variations of: BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request or BTEQ command: SELECT * FROM CARLOS.PRUEBA03...
View ArticleHow to Calculate the total IO used by System for a particular week - response...
Depending on the level of details it's probably Table:ResUsageSpma, View:ResGeneralInfoView and Macro:ResNode. (FileAcqReads + FilePreReads + FileWrites) is the number of IOs. Regarding Larry Higa's...
View ArticleFull Table Scans - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Usmans, you can probably get that info from DBQL, a high "Unneccessary IO" ratio (=Higa Larry Ratio) for retrieve steps indicates lots of IO, but hardly CPU. If DBQL is enabled on objects you might...
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