Performance tuning for a tpump script- - forum topic by Nishant.Bhardwaj
Hi Experts, There is a tpump which is taking 10 hours to process 7000 records, whcih earlier was taking 1 hour.. not sure why its taking so long now. the script cotains the normal insert select...
View ArticleSet up of Standard Archive & Purge main frame Jobs in teradata? - response...
Hi experts, any comments on above..? cheers!
View ArticleSQL rewrite - Group by - response (2) by TcognosD
Thanks, but this give Syntax error: expected something between '(' and '*'.
View ArticleTeradata Hot-Back up - response (1) by mayya@teradataforum
Hi, Please anyone clear my above doubt on locks during back-ups.
View ArticleParameterize source & target table name and also schema details in TPT script...
Is it possible to have the File_Loader attributes in a seperate file and just call this file in the attributes session.? currenly in our loader we have only few attributes defined like TdpId, UserName...
View ArticleCross tab - Pivot - response (3) by elvicio
Hi Dieter, I have a few TD tables that I needed to do rowcounts. e.g. count(*) from TableName. Now, the result of the count is going to a temp table. Once I get all the counts inserted into...
View ArticleParameterize source & target table name and also schema details in TPT script...
Which version of TPT are you using? Please refer to the TPT documentation for the use of Job Variables. Everything in a TPT script is substitutable. In fact, we do not want you to hardcode anything in...
View Articleselected non-aggregate values must be part of the associated group - response...
Does that means I have to put all the select columns in Group By? I'm converting a mysql to teradata sql, in that query Select is calling 20 columns but Group by just have 2 columns (1 of which is not...
View ArticleUsing FastLoad for Volatile Table - response (2) by feinholz
The table creation did not fail because the CREATE TABLE occurred prior to the BEGIN LOADING statement. The BEGIN LOADING statement is the statement that initiates the FastLoad protocol on Teradata....
View ArticleFast load Error - response (2) by feinholz
Isn't the abend occurring because of the Error Limit being set to some value? The ErrorLimit command should be removed so that the job does not terminate during the acquisition phase after 'n' rows end...
View ArticleTPT and Unix/Linux Environment Variables - response (1) by feinholz
Not sure why the -u command line option cannot be used for this approach. That is what it is for. Or a different job variable file for each job. However, the OS environment variable solution is on our...
View ArticleHow to calculate space taken by a volatile table? - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Nishant, Volatile Tables are stored within spool space, you can only SUM(CurremtSpool) to get the spool size of all current sessions of that user (of course including the spool in use due to an...
View ArticlePerformance tuning for a tpump script- - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Nishant, 7000 records in 1 hour? My TD Express should load that within a few seconds. Did you check if there were locks/deadlocks? Better use SERIALZE on the PI columns. Is the target table SET and...
View ArticleSQL rewrite - Group by - response (3) by dnoeth
I just checked my query in SQLA and it only complained about the missing table :-) I would expect this error when there was a type in COUNT(*), better check your query. Dieter
View ArticleTeradata Hot-Back up - response (2) by dnoeth
Hi Mahesh, what activity is allowed during an Online Backup depends on your release. An overview is found in Chapter 10: Archiving, Restoring, and Recovering DataT of the "Databasa Administration" and...
View ArticleCross tab - Pivot - response (4) by dnoeth
Hi Raymond, what if number of tables increases and you finally hit the 2048 columns in a table limit :-) For me it would be much easier to compare those counts when they are rows in a table. Dieter
View ArticleCreating Table In Stored Procedure.... - response (3) by elvicio
Thanks a lot. This helped me as well as I thought i had that many errors.
View Articleselected non-aggregate values must be part of the associated group - response...
Yo're right, whenever there's an aggregation all other columns must be in GROUP BY. MySQL considers some bad practice as valid SQL, but all other DBMSes consider that illegal :-) What does MySQL...
View Articleselected non-aggregate values must be part of the associated group - response...
Gotcha! the result is same :) Thanks a lot. I'm selecting 20 columns in query is there any shortcut for GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 ??? thats too much for bigger queries.
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