Change TPT handling of zero-length strings - response (1) by Fred
Check the TPT Reference for 14.00. It is clearly stated in the documentation for the Data Connector operator: NullColumns='N' is the optional attribute setting you are looking for.
View ArticleWhen does Dropping Stats help - response (1) by Fred
This is a difficult question to answer, but here goes: a. 1 - The optimizer in effect is biased to assume that if you bothered to collect the stats, they must be relevant. a. 2 - If you have...
View ArticleSkew Ness - response (1) by Fred
Most of the tools and published queries calculate a "relative" skew value rather than some sort of absolute measure. If most AMPs have only table headers but a few AMPs also have a data row, the...
View ArticleReg: spool space error - response (5) by Fred
The date is (20)13-07-02 (02 July 2013), so not that long. But as Dieter noted, the type mismatches and character set TRANSLATEs can result in stats not being used, even if they are current. What...
View ArticleSQL Query Performance - High Spool Space - forum topic by RAVISHA
Hello Experts, The following query is taking 200GB Spool space in the system and affects the overall performance. Any suggestion to improve the performance of the query. Select * from AAAA G, BBBBB V,...
View ArticleUpdate statement with left outer join in from clause. - response (5) by...
Thanks Dieter, We have outer join used for mostly all updates and deletes on table. Client_gid is primary index for table and it is used along with other two joins for alias m. main purpose of all...
View ArticleNested OREPLACE leads to poor performance - forum topic by papgust
Hi, I am using this condition in UPDATE and SELECT statements and to process this condition takes a lot of time. The column 'recall_string' (Varchar(2000)) is in a table of 100 million records. Any...
View ArticleMVC TOOL - response (8) by HamTera16
Hello Hardik, Can you please send me the link to download the Easy MVC tool?Email: Thank You. Best Regards,
View ArticleINSERT Failed. 2646: No more spool space in sinpuv - forum topic by...
Hi, Im running with the spool space error when im trying to insert into a table based on the selection i do on the join of a fact and few other dimension tables. Following are the details: 1....
View ArticleNested OREPLACE leads to poor performance - response (1) by CarlosAL
Use oTRANSLATE() instead. HTH Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleProblem While Joining Views: Intermediate spool being used in stead of View...
I am getting spool space error while trying to join 3-5 views that are accessing same underlying tables. Teradata optimizer is using the intermediate spool result in stead of the actual view output...
View Articleodbc connectivity from oracle to teradata - forum topic by vasundhara
Hi All, I have installed Teradata ODBC driver version "" and unixODBC-2.3.1 on SunOS and able to execute the queries from isql but unable to fetch the data using dblink. From dg4odbc trace...
View ArticleChange TPT handling of zero-length strings - response (2) by mzs
oops, I work with TD 12. thank you very much, apparently this option is not available in TD 12, need to call Dr. Brown Mike
View ArticleReg: spool space error - response (6) by chaitu_kanna
Hi Fred, sorry for late replay ... it was because, we are adhoc users for the teradata... I have runned SHOW on my query... --TD_Parts_Dispatches_Weekly_New show select...
View ArticleNeed URGENT help on Update SQL tuning - response (1) by dnoeth
There's too much code: - You don't need COALESCE for comparison, as NULL always compares to unknown - You don't need IS NULL in WHERE, this is automatically added by the optimizer - Replace OREPLACE...
View ArticleCross tab - Pivot - response (2) by dnoeth
It's good that you found a solution on your own, but it would be nice if you could share it. Btw, your question is quite confusing, i still don't know what you actually wanted to do. Dieter
View ArticleSQL Query Performance - High Spool Space - response (1) by dnoeth
A Product Join involving large tables, might be due to the SQL or wrong statistics. It's hard to tell without additional information like DDL or at least PIs, row counts/statistics. And of course the...
View ArticleVIEWPOINT frozen for 3 hours - forum topic by LUCAS
A noticeable event early in the morning (time of Paris): it looks like Viewpoint stopped collecting data between 5:51:00 AM and 8:51:00 AM. Activity is logged in LOGONOFF and DBQLOGTBL tables between...
View ArticleReg: spool space error - response (7) by dnoeth
As is said, wrong datatypes in conditions plus different character sets for the same kind of information. And you don't join both fact tables on the PI columns. Based on the stats you posted SVC_BU_ID...
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