GLobal Temporary Table (GTT) - forum topic by virenag
Can 2 sessions create same name GTT? OR does it tack on sessionID# to the table name when it stores its DDL in DD (DBC.* tables)? If same table DDL can be viewed in different sessions but data is...
View ArticleLDAP authentication for Teradata Express Edition 13 - response (1) by fgrimmer
You can login to your Teradata Database from Teradata Studio or Studio Express using LDAP authentication. In the Connection Profile wizard you can select LDAP as your authentication mechanism.
View ArticleDifference and concepts of ETL. - response (21) by Narasapalli dinesh
Hi Thanks to every one giving valuable answers, Now I get some idea about TD.
View ArticleTPT multiple instances using mainframe host (Syntax error). - response (16)...
Do we need to give varchar MultipleReaders=’Y’ in the Data Connector producer operator to have the mulitple read instance in TPT? What will happen if we dont set varchar MultipleReaders=’Y’ and give...
View ArticleOne or more values to pass in a prompt - forum topic by TcognosD
I have a condition where I have single or miltiple values to filter. ex: P_ID = 5056,1351 or 5001 or 20100 how can I pass single value or multiple values to the below same prompted condition? P_ID...
View ArticleAntivirus exclusions - forum topic by gh3350
We are beginning to setup running antivirus software on Teradata servers and wish to reference an exclusion file for antivirus configuration. Has anyone developed exclusions for specific directories...
View ArticleObject access details - when and how many times a table/index/constraint...
You can reset Accesscount and lastaccesstimestamp counters via macros under dbc. Thanks Abhishek
View ArticleTPT multiple instances using mainframe host (Syntax error). - response (17)...
Multiple instances are normally used to read from different files in parallel, e.g. with FileList='Y' or DirectoryPath. MultipleReaders='Y' allows multiple instances to do "interleaved" reads from the...
View ArticleGLobal Temporary Table (GTT) - response (1) by Fred
Each session can materialize its own local instance of a GTT. Those instances have different internal Table IDs in the file system, even though they are accessed using the same name in SQL.
View ArticleTPT multiple instances using mainframe host (Syntax error). - response (18)...
Thanks fred, We created named pipes so that we can read .gz & compressed files.. just wanted to check if there is any access module that can use with dataconnector to read unix .gz files
View ArticleTPT multiple instances using mainframe host (Syntax error). - response (19)...
I am not aware of one that is publicly available.
View ArticleDBQL Metrics - forum topic by samurai07
Hi , Can some please explain / eloborate the DBQL Metrics and how they are interrelated like the below with some example with any record count TotalIOCount, MaxAmpIO, MaxAmpCPU, ImpactCPU ImpactIO,...
View Article3706: Syntax error: expected something between ')' and ','. For derived -...
Hi all, I am facing this issue. I have been working for so long, still no solution on horizon. Can anyone please help me. I have the following query. select lth.AccountingMonth_Id ,lth.Calendar_Id from...
View ArticleTeradata Online Training India - response (1) by oracle.bhadram
HI I am looking for Project in Teradata. If anybody can guide me please reply to this comment asap. 1) How Teradata fits in bigger picture of project 2) What is the percentage of contribution of...
View ArticleTPT multiple instances using mainframe host (Syntax error). - response (20)...
Hi Vijay, TPT 14 DataConnector supports .zip and .gz files directly, but i don't know if it supports MultipleReaders, probably not. Dieter
View ArticleDBQL Metrics - response (1) by dnoeth
Total = sum of all AMPs CPU/IO usage Max = maximum CPU/IO usage across all indicidual AMPs Skew = Comparing Max with Avg usage. On a parallel system the slowest AMP determines the speed, when the work...
View Article3706: Syntax error: expected something between ')' and ','. For derived -...
Is this the actual query? There's no opening parenthesis for ") as A", simply remove it. Dieter
View ArticleFastload error - response (1) by dnoeth
You should post some more details, DEFINE/SET RECORD/BEGIN LOADING and a part of the log. Dieter
View ArticleOne or more values to pass in a prompt - response (1) by dnoeth
How is the value for #sq(prompt(''))# filled/created? If it's just plugged in the SQL string by the client, the simply use "(5056,1351)" or "(5001)". If it's supposed to be a parameter for a Prepared...
View Article.NET Data Provider - response (1) by dnoeth
Why do you try to get an even older version of a real old version? Dieter
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