SELECT Failed. 3706: Syntax error: expected something between '(' and the...
Hi Vasudeva, are you the DBA? You should read CHAPTER 12 Recommended Housekeeping Tasks Cleaning Out Frequently Updated Logs before deleting system logs. Deleting is just a simple DELETE. Regarding...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (97) by rskamiya
Hi Todd, Have you material of the TD14 for Certification? Can you please to share the material in my e-mail id: Thanks®ards, Kamiya
View ArticleDBQL Metrics - response (2) by samurai07
Hi Dieter, Thanks for your response and explanations. One more quick question. When we say I/ it the number of records it is processing. for Example when i say select * from order_header where...
View ArticleCursors in stored procedures - response (5) by roj
Hi, I use cursor in my TD stored procedure. But the output which i get is doubled. Suppose if i just give a select * from tablename without using a cursor I get around 500 rows retrieved. But after...
View ArticleTPT adding spaces for nvarchar datatype while loading - forum topic by...
Hi, We are loading data from MSSQL server tables to Teradata using ODBc operator and load operator. for nvarchar datatype from MSSQL server, spaces are added after each character. If I change session...
View ArticleImmediat TERADATA Online training available...,Interested people drop a mail...
Hi, If you are looking for teradata online classes....Excellent certified terdata professional is available at your convinient timings... 1) More than 7 years experience as a Teradata Developer. 2)...
View ArticleNeed to save and execute a dynamically generated query(greater than 32K...
Hi All I have a procedure which dynamically generates queries. However in some cases the generated query is exceeding the maximum size of a VARCHAR due to which the variable holding the query in the...
View ArticleObject access details - when and how many times a table/index/constraint...
Indeed, the reset of counters is an elegant step here. But still, the counters' values have to be saved somewhere in a different place. Otherwise the data for the past data periods is simply lost....
View ArticleCollecting stats on unused column - response (1) by barani_sachin
Could someone pls confirm/deny these? Thanks.
View ArticleCollecting stats on unused column - response (2) by VBurmist
Hi, there are great articles from Carrie on what statistics should be collected. Does a...
View ArticleCannot start Teradata on VM. Using non-admin logon of the computer. - forum...
Hi All, I'm pretty new to Teradata and trying to start the 40 GB Teradata 14 Express VMWare on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine with requisite hardware. I'm running the VM from a non-adminstrator user of...
View ArticleSelecting count(*) from multiple tables - forum topic by sunis12
Hi, I have 3 tables say a) account_details b) credit_trans c) debit_transI want a query which results in the total number of credit transaction and total number of debit transaction for each...
View ArticleSelecting count(*) from multiple tables - response (1) by learndwh
Hi try out the below query ... it will solve your proble select acc_no, sort_code, count(credit.acc_no), count(debit.acc_no) from account_details acct inner join credit_trans credit on acct.acc_no =...
View ArticleSQL MERGE Detecting Duplicate Rows - forum topic by ruranker
We are using the SQL MERGE statement as a method to perform straight inserts. When running in Teradata transaction mode, is there a way to detect and log records that do not make it to the target? For...
View ArticleCollecting stats on unused column - response (3) by samurai07
Hi, Collecting stats on unused columns is not advisable. In the above case, it will not impact the query performance. If you dont collect on the columns which are used in the query (usually in...
View ArticleSelecting count(*) from multiple tables - response (2) by sunis12
Thanks for the suggestion but there are ambiguity errors. I tried with acct to resolve ambiguity but that wont result in the output.. Output for this query is acc_no sort_code...
View ArticleJDBC Drivers for Coldfusion running on SUSE Linux - forum topic by Javamav
I apologize if this is a repeat topic, I tried to search through the forums here and found nothing useful about this topic. I have Coldfusion10 running on SUSE Linux. Using Coldfusion Administrator I...
View ArticleTPT multiple instances using mainframe host (Syntax error). - response (21)...
Is there any limiation on number of DATACONNECTOR PRODUCER that can be used. i have defined 16 DATACONNECTOR PRODUCER , which reads data from 16 different pipes. i am getting the error message as...
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