Where can I download .NET Data Provider - response (1) by Fred
Note that 12.00.01 is the version and the trailing .00 or .01 is the patch level. As a rule, even if you are using an old version of the driver (for compatibility) you should use the "current" patch...
View ArticleTeradata Optimization for large table(20 billion rows) - response (2) by Shelley
The estimated time in an explain is actually a cost, not a time value (even though it says time). You cannot predict performance time by the number of amps. Performance time is affected by the hardware...
View Articlethe price of Teradata 14 Certification Exams - response (4) by Shelley
These were the prices for the beta exams. vouchers were provided to qualified participants to reduce the cost to $99. As Deiter said, they will change when they become widely available.
View ArticleWhere can I download .NET Data Provider - response (2) by maitony
But that is the only version supported by Aprimo 8.7.4.
View ArticleTeradata Service not starting - response (10) by Rajesh.Prabhu
Original thread spawn and deviation question.Try Quick check on TERADATA Service. on Unix:Check Terdata service $ pdestate -a /* if it is (PDE state: DOWN/HARDSTOP) */Start Terdata...
View ArticleObject access details - when and how many times a table/index/constraint...
Hi I need to build a query in Teradata to check what field/indexes/object were accessed/referenced in last one week (for example) for how many times along with timestamp. Can anyone please help me in...
View ArticlePrimary index in Teradata - response (2) by Sunikutty
That answers my doubts Thank you So much :)
View ArticleSELECT Failed. 3706: Syntax error: expected something between '(' and the...
Hi Dieter, Sorry for delay response..we ran that query..the result is MAXpermGB =155.84 and currentpermGB=31.77 and SkewedPermGB= 31.86..this is the result... As per your told can i delete (ResUsage*,...
View ArticleSELECT Failed. 3706: Syntax error: expected something between '(' and the...
HI Dieter, I need to configure TD Viewpoint 13.00 or 13.10 on windows and linux..Can you please help me on this ? Or else pls share how to configure and install TD Viewpoint on linnux or windows to me...
View ArticleUnable to log on minimum number of fastload sessions - forum topic by...
We have no query band defined. The maxmum number of sessions for default are limited to 12 The job is asking for 12 sessions but it is only getting 6 sessions and the job is failing Can you please...
View Article.NET Data Provider - forum topic by maitony
Hi, Where can I download a .NET Data Provider instead of version, Thank you.Forums: Connectivity
View ArticleTD Express 14 and LDAP authentication - response (2) by sayaksitex
Hi Tom, Please help me to make LDAP authentication in teradata express edition 13. I have installed teradata express 13 in my system. I have LDAP server as well. I want to make LDAP authentication to...
View ArticleLDAP authentication for Teradata Express Edition 13 - forum topic by sayaksitex
I have installed Teradata Express edition 13 in windows XP. I have a LDAP server as well. I want to log in to teradata using LDAP authentication. Please suggest me the steps to achieve the requirement....
View ArticleLDAP authentication for Teradata Express Edition 13 - forum topic by sayaksitex
I have installed Teradata Express edition 13 in windows XP. I have a LDAP server as well. I want to log in to teradata using LDAP authentication. Please suggest me the steps to achieve the requirement....
View ArticleLDAP authentication for Teradata Express Edition 13 - forum topic by sayaksitex
I have installed Teradata Express edition 13 in windows XP. I have a LDAP server as well. I want to log in to teradata using LDAP authentication. Please suggest me the steps to achieve the requirement....
View ArticleObject access details - when and how many times a table/index/constraint...
Hi, You can use DBQL objects (dbc.qrylogobjects) for that purpose. At least tables and columns are there. Another option is to use "accesscount" and "lastaccesstimestamp" fields in dbc views...
View ArticleUnable to log on minimum number of fastload sessions - response (1) by pawan0608
Can you please share exact error code and FL script and more detials like how many AMPs on the system, what are the value of DBS control parameter, TASM is enabled or not etc.
View ArticleFastload error - forum topic by amerid
I am trying to load a | delimited file and I am getting the following error .... "error on piom get row : 60 text:column length error , row not returned". Can you please help? Forums: Database
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (95) by king
Hi Todd, Can you please send me those materials to raju5.teradata@gmail.com Thanks & Regards Raju
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (96) by king
Hi Todd, Could You Please send me those all materials you have for developer and DBA to this mail id Raju5.teradata@gmail.com Thanks & Regards King
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