Improve performance of like queries. - response (2) by barani_sachin
Dieter, Could you pls elaborate on how we can rewrite the LIKE using POSITION andSUBSTRING?
View ArticleError while converting date to char - forum topic by bikky6
I have a table with date value stored in a char(10) format CT KVB_DT(MYDATE CHAR(10)) INS INTO KVB_DT VALUES('20130620') I need to add 7 days to it and it should be in char format as 20130627 I am able...
View ArticleCPU skewed Fastload job - forum topic by pradeesh
Gurus, I have a Fastload Job which is CPU skewed by 99%. Job is loading data of 40 million rows and taking 2 hours on a 150 amp systemInferences Primary index is good . having skew of 1 % only...
View ArticleEXIT HANDLER NOT WORKING - forum topic by Arvind.Rathi
REPLACE PROCEDURE Sysdba.PDBA_PROD_SpaceMover ( IN InTargetDB VARCHAR(30) , IN InSpace BIGINT , OUT OutMessage VARCHAR(1000) ) BEGIN...
View ArticleCanary Query Details - response (49) by wicik
Hi there... Can you give us information where did you found information about macro PDCRINFO.CapCanarySUMRT_Rpt and information how to use it inSQL? I'm lookin for cannary query which can be run with...
View ArticleError while converting date to char - response (1) by VBurmist
View ArticleAborting Session - forum topic by Kishore_1
In View Point, a session is in ABORTING state for more than 8 days now. Whats the reason the session is taking so long to abort? Is there any way to get rid of this aborting session, to clean up such...
View ArticlePrimary index in Teradata - forum topic by Sunikutty
I am a beginner in teradata. I read that PI is used in data distribution in teradata and unline Primary key value in PI column can be udpated.If columns in which PI is defined gets updated then wont...
View ArticleAborting Session - response (1) by pradeesh
Go to recovery manager and check the status of rollback session You can cancel the rollback if exists ... If no sessions in roolback state .. it is bug.
View ArticleIF/ELSE query for date results - response (1) by VBurmist
create table A ( dt date, v varchar(5) ); insert into A values ('2013-05-05','xxxx1'); insert into A values ('2013-05-07','xxxx2'); insert into A values ('2013-05-08','xxxx3'); create table B( dt...
View ArticleWhere can I download .NET Data Provider - forum topic by maitony
Hi, I want to download a .NET Data Provider instead of version Do you have any ideas ?Forums: Tools
View ArticleHow to determine whether TotalIOCount is significant or not - response (1) by...
Hello, This truly depends on what is meant by significant. The TotalIOCount is the amount of data involved in a query. It depends on the size of the tables, and the query specifics (joins, etc)....
View ArticleCompression on Indexes - response (6) by pawan0608
you can't use MVC to compress Partitioning column
View Articleteradata DBA training - response (31) by MMallikharjunaswamy
I think BISP is the best training institute for Online Courses. Manohar is the best best faculty for Teradata Course. awesome training..Excellent Trainer. He is very patient when it comes to clearing...
View ArticlePrimary index in Teradata - response (1) by VBurmist
Hello, that's right, updating the PI column(s) for a row means that the row will be re-distributed to another AMP (unless the target AMP is the same). So, it is good to choose PI column(s) that is...
View Articlecoredump with isql on VMWare Suse with TD14.0 - forum topic by manu_eq4
Hello I issued the following command on the Teradata Express Suse VM to test my ODBC setup, I have installed unixODBC and Teradata 64 bits drivers: TDExpress14.0_Sles10:~ # isql -v testdsn vmtest...
View ArticleError Code 3807 not working even if .Label - forum topic by nileshbhaw
Hi, bteq <<! .set session transaction BTET; .run file=$HOME/.tdlogon .set errorout stdout; .set maxerror 2; .set width 65000; .set titledashes off; .set errorlevel on; DELETE FROM...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (94) by youngjian
HI, Todd, could you send the material to thank you!
View ArticleError Code 3807 not working even if .Label - response (1) by Fred
You set MAXERROR to 2, and the default severity for 3807 is 8; since 8>2, BTEQ exits. Since 3807 <> 0, with this sequence of statements you would go to FINISH if you didn't exit firstAn...
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