COALESCE in create table? - response (1) by kk_newuser
Hi Sunitha, you can use the default option which make sure that default value would be loaded if no value is provided for that column.
View ArticleTeradata Optimization for large table(20 billion rows) - response (1) by...
Do the explain plan and look for confidence levels and estimated time. Take the collect stats if its not taken on joining columns.
View Articleoption to reject existing duplicate rows but also allow non-duplicate rows to...
Greeting All, Just wondering if there's any option in TD allow user to insert partially only non-deplicate rows after creating a unique primary table like the undo_policy=none option in SAS. In this...
View Article_UNICODE in comments - procedures - response (4) by on230008
Did you find the out cause of this problem? Why it happens ?
View ArticleNeed help with Unicode in DDL issue - response (12) by on230008
Thanks RXCORE for the help. Your solution works but what is the underlying issue. I have seen it hapenning in some procedure while other are not effected and both types have plenty of comments in the...
View ArticleTD utilities and JAVA. - response (6) by tomnolan
Yes, you can run your own command-line Java program using BTEQ's .os command. Let's assume that your command-line Java program is named and let's assume that it requires a Java...
View ArticleQualifier Error - forum topic by ciw916
Tags: #sqlerror code 3807#teradataForums: Database
View ArticlePrecision loss during expression evaluation - data type issue? - response (2)...
Thanks for your help! The data profile is true to the data type. MVT_Gravity is the specific gravity of a substance so I need to take that all the way to 6 decimal places. MAX net_quant = 642,000.00...
View ArticleSkewed Fastload job - forum topic by pradeesh
Fastload Job is CPU skewed by 99% Job is loading data of 40 million rows and taking 2 hours on a 150 amp system and is skewed for 2 hours Inferences Primary index is good . having skew of 1 % only...
View ArticleIF/ELSE query for date results - forum topic by rsmit75
Let's say I have these results from a subquery. They are are grouping by date with the MAX() of a unique identifier [xxxxx]. Assume the number appended to the unique identifer describes the highest...
View ArticleFastload issues with decimal column - forum topic by rki
Hi, I am working on a project where we are migrating from Mainframe to Clerity (Linux) servers. I have a fastload job running in Mainframe, pulling from a DB2 unload file and loading into a TD table....
View ArticleHow to load EBCDIC file to db using TPT? - response (4) by feinholz
All of our load products can only load EBCDIC data from MVS/zOS.
View ArticleFastload issues with decimal column - response (1) by feinholz
On the mainframe, the data is stored in packed decimal format. On non-mainframe platforms, the data is most likely stored in scaled integer format (Teradata's internal format). This might account for...
View ArticleMissing XSD for Teradata 13.10 DBQL XMLPLAN - response (1) by AndrewSchroter
I ujst learned the location is Also.. a quote"Note that xsi:schemaLocation attribute value contained with logged documents consists of a pair of...
View ArticleTeradata DBA Traninig in Hyderabad? - response (54) by vmalladi
Hi , Manohar provides best training in Hyderabad .
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (92) by scoz
Hi Todd, Can you pls send the TD stuff to me at Thanks for this! Regards, Nick
View ArticleFASTLOAD WITH FIXED WIDTH FILES - response (15) by rohanpatil008
Hi, I am using Fastload to load some data in to Teradata database from Mainframe I used the script mentioned below: .SESSIONS 100; .TENACITY 4; .SLEEP 10; .RUN FILE LOGON;...
View ArticleTPUMP pack parameter - forum topic by rohanpatil008
Hi, PLease can anyone let me know what the PACK parameter in TPUMP exactly does. I read some where that it improves the network and channel efficiency by reducing the number of handshakes. I heard that...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (93) by firozk
Hi Todd,can you please send all matrerials you have regarding developer,DBA please to this mail Thanks in advance.
View ArticleFASTLOAD WITH FIXED WIDTH FILES - response (16) by CarlosAL
"I am using Fastload to load some data in to Teradata database from Mainframe" RTFM:"The SET RECORD command:• Applies only to network-attached systems." Cheers. Carlos.
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