Need to set Return Code upon "EOF on stdin" - response (3) by Sarun1989
Try .QUIT instead of .LOGOFF
View ArticleBehavior of VARCHAR and COMPRESSed columns in SPOOL - response (3) by hemanth_td
Interesting info, thanks very much Dieter!!
View ArticleNeed to set Return Code upon "EOF on stdin" - response (4) by Sarun1989
If you do .logoff alone, the current session alone will end(i.e you will only be logged off from your userid only), but teradata engine is still open and all the forth coming commands will go into the...
View ArticleEffect of reversing the order of columns in mutli-column stats - response (1)...
at least up to 13.10 - I am not 100% sure about 14.0. see Only the 16 bytes of the concatenated...
View ArticleCS Ram, Pakdisk? Paddisk? - response (2) by wicik
Thanks Dieter, Somehow google was not even close to find the solution. Now I know what I am searchin for :) Regards!
View ArticleTable degeneration and amp data arrangement - response (2) by wicik
I was thinking about sth like... when you backup some table and table ID's how to make the table not to overwhrite IDS and unixue data? Or... when you archive the table, and table got missing records...
View ArticleHadoop Online Training - forum topic by revanth1122
Revanth Technologies which is a high profiled Hadoop Online Training institute in India offers online training with real time experts and with real time concepts. We provide integrated IT training...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (84) by Prashanthi Anne
Hi Todd, I am very much intrested to learn teradata and do certification in TD14, can you please share the material to my email id : Thanks much! Prashanthi
View Articleteradata DBA training - response (29) by MMallikharjunaswamy
I think BISP is the best training institute for Online Courses. Manohar is the best best faculty for Teradata Course. awesome training..Excellent Trainer. He is very patient when it comes to clearing...
View ArticleEffect of reversing the order of columns in mutli-column stats - response (3)...
You might get more responses in a forum on performance. This forum is on data modeling.
View ArticleEffect of reversing the order of columns in mutli-column stats - response (4)...
I believe the order is determined by the order in which the columns are defined in the table definition (up to 13.10). It is a good practive to define smaller sized columns first just in case they are...
View ArticleErroring out while unzipping td-express- - forum topic by...
Hi, I am trying to install teradata on my windows 7 64 bit machine. I am pretty much new to it and hence facing many issues. As per the guidelines, I have installed VMPlayer first. After that, I...
View ArticleReferential Integrity for temporal tables - forum topic by bhushandhiran
Hi Everyone, I am trying to write a SOFT RI between a bi temporal parent table and non Tempral child table but it is thoring me an error "Invalid referential integrity definition" ALTER TABLE EMAIL...
View ArticleErroring out while unzipping td-express- - response (1) by...
Are you using 7-Zip ( to unzip, as recommended in the user guide?
View ArticleCompare two Database - forum topic by Vbhand
Hi There, if someone can help me here that would be much appreciated. I will detail what i am trying to achieve here. In aquistion phase once the file from source system is extracted it goes to...
View ArticleDetermine number working day between two dates - forum topic by pema_yozer
Hi Guys, I have a table which contains a start date and an end date Table a Start_date End_date 13-03-2013 14-03-2013 10-03-2013 13-03-2013 ......... .... along with this i have another...
View ArticleSynchronized scanning - response (9) by AdamL
All AMP join step, by way of row hash match scan,using merger join .After that, explain says the input tables for joins will not be cached in memory, but they are eligible for synchronized scanning....
View ArticleWant to jump between different EXPORT operators or different SQL statements...
Hi, I am building an TPT which is doing fast load(LOAD operator) to a NAV_REP table. I am using export operator to export the data . Now I have two sql statements. one statement is doing calculation...
View Articletraining - response (1) by bikky6
Hi Rajesh, It's better you go for online trainings by any real time expert,who shares his knowledge in vast.I can refer you to make an enquiry at will respond...
View ArticleDetermine number working day between two dates - response (1) by bikky6
Hi I have created the below tables for your scenario.Let me know if it solves your purpose. CT HOL(START_DATE DATE,END_DATE DATE); INS INTO HOL VALUES('2013-06-03','2013-06-13'); INS INTO HOL...
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