Collecting stats on unused column - forum topic by barani_sachin
Hi All, Does collecting stats on unused columns in anyway influence the execution plan. Ex sel t1.* from table1 t1 join table2 t2 on t1.col1 = t2.col1lets say if i collect stats on col2, col3 and so...
View ArticleWhy can we have UPI only when PPI column is part of PI - forum topic by terasum
Why can we have UPI only when PPI column is part of PI, can someone explain in detail? Thanks in AdvanceTags: ppiForums: Database
View ArticleEffect of reversing the order of columns in mutli-column stats - response (5)...
I am new to this forum, so misplaced the posting. Thanks ulrich for the link provided.Till 13.10 the order does not matter as it is determined from table definition as goldminer mentioned, Thanks...
View ArticleSize of table with partial data (active records) - forum topic by arbiswas
Hi Experts, is there any way to calculate the size of partial records in a table. Like I have flag in a table which identfies whether the row is active (A)or inactive (I). I want to calculate how much...
View ArticleSize of table with partial data (active records) - response (1) by terasum
You can get size of a complete table from DBC.Tablesize view.By using this view you can estimate the size of partial data.. lets say you have 100 records in your table which is of 10MB size(Tablesize),...
View ArticleNeed to set Return Code upon "EOF on stdin" - response (5) by barani_sachin
Guys, Thanks for your suggestions :-) But wat i had done is i left a blank line between the .logoff and [test], thats what causing the issue. Now that i had removed that blank line everything is...
View ArticleDCSDB - forum topic by Shock
one of the viewpoint databases, 'dcsdb' holds all the data of the DCS in it, but mine in particular has a problem: the data retention is set to 6 months, but the database contains 400+ GB of data...
View ArticleCloudera Developer and Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop - forum topic...
ADVANCED CUSTOM COURSES IN APACHE HADOOP DEPLOYMENT OSSCube provides the full range of Cloudera approved and accredited courses in addition to OSSCube’s advanced custom courses which are built on the...
View ArticlePrimary Index - Selection of columns - forum topic by Asit
Hi, In my BTEQ script I have 1 table (T1) which is being used in 2 joins. First it's being joined with table T2. The coloumns participating in this join are C1,C2,C3. After that T1 is being joined with...
View ArticleDCSDB - response (1) by stever
Viewpoint's DCS process maintains all of the data in the dcsdb database. There's a data retention policy for each data collector on each monitored system. There isn't a single global retention...
View ArticleDCSDB - response (2) by Shock
the version of viewpoint is 13.12 and the 'systems' defined in Teradata Systems still remain the same, with the same names (they haven't changed a bit). The data i would like to cleanup is the 2010...
View ArticleTPT script to move data from table to file - response (5) by annie_bora
Hi, Is it possible to write a TPT script which will export records over a time period, for eg., monthly,weekly , daily basis from Teradata table. The Teradata table does not contain any date...
View ArticleHow to monitor load task limit vs. actual load tasks run - response (1) by...
In other words, how can I know if the task limits are being hit or not and therefor need to be changed?
View ArticleDCSDB - response (3) by stever
You should upgrade to Viewpoint 14.10. Viewpoint 13.12 is 3 versions old at this point, and doesn't contain the code to clean up any deleted systems. There are also likely a couple of bugs in the...
View ArticleTPT script to move data from table to file - response (6) by TonyL
It's not possible because a date column is required to filter the rows.
View ArticleJARO_WINKLER_SIMILARITY Function for Teradata? - response (2) by teradatatester
Anyone already made a UDF for the JARO_WINKLER_SIMILARITY Function?
View ArticleShutting down Teradata in EC2 keeping data and avoiding Amazon charges -...
Hi team, I appreciate to understand the better way to "hibernate" Teradata in Amazon EC2 keeping data and avoiding charges from Amazon. I guess running a Teradata tpa stop and Amazon stop instance...
View ArticleHUT Lock - forum topic by Kishore_1
What is the command to see the tables that are locked by HUT (Host Utility) locks on a Teradata database?Tags: HUT lockForums: Database
View ArticleHUT Lock - response (1) by terasum
You have to go to viewpoint/manager and from there go to database console and open up showlocks utility.
View ArticleImprove performance of like queries. - forum topic by barani_sachin
Hi All, Is there anyway to improve the performance(Reducing the CPU consumed is the main aim for now) of queries involving like in the where clause. WHERE FIRST_NM LIKE :V_FIRST_NM||'%' AND...
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