Order of RANK(yy) - response (2) by PeterSchwennesen
ok so the best is to use the OVER (ORDER BY version?
View ArticleCS Ram, Pakdisk? Paddisk? - forum topic by wicik
Hi there, I have heard about some kind of teradata tools like CS Ram and Pakdisk? (Paddisk or sth) which are pretty handfull and I cand find any informaton about them. It was tools to check node/amp...
View ArticleSelect Failed 3706: Syntax error: expected something between the word...
I am troubling over this error as I am not sure what the cause might be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. select sasnref.trx_date, count(OCS.SERVED_MOBILE_NUMBER) from ( select sasn.trx_date,...
View ArticleTRM and dialog marketing - response (7) by Michaelcanady
that would be a superb step to perform if your entire plans go well and according to the steps of marketing you would definitly succeed in your aim
View ArticleNULLS are treated as high priority when assigned row numbers with in a group...
Hi I have the below table and I am trying to assign rownumber and need to get row_number=1 for the values.But theere are NULL's in the group where they are being treated high priority and 1 is...
View ArticleBehavior of VARCHAR and COMPRESSed columns in SPOOL - forum topic by hemanth_td
Hello, Could someone please answer:1. REGARDING VARCHAR: I have a table with one of the columns defined as VARCHAR(255) even though the char length would never exceed 15 characters. Is there any...
View ArticleTable degeneration and amp data arrangement - forum topic by wicik
Hi everyone, How to check if table is degenerated or not? - If so, than how to pix it or what tool should I use? How to check are the data on amps/nodes arranged properly? (splited up equally?) - If...
View ArticleNULLS are treated as high priority when assigned row numbers with in a group...
I got it. I placed in a derived table and applied rownum and it worked out.
View ArticleTeradata 14.10 silent install. - response (2) by wicik
Ok, the answer is Temp folder. If I remember corerctly, each package installed creates an installation log file located in the USER's %TEMP% directory and contain installation logs of silent TTU...
View ArticleSpool space issue - response (2) by arpit.ubale
Hi Dieter, Thanks for your suggestion. Since I am a developer, I donot have access to dbc.QryLogStepsV. Anyways i tried collecting stats on underlying tables but still i get the same error. Is there...
View ArticleSelect Failed 3706: Syntax error: expected something between the word...
Did you work with DB2 before? EXCEPTION JOIN is no Standard SQL (unless it was recently introduced). When you need data from the 2nd table you can rewrite it using a LEFT JOIN plus a WHERE...
View ArticleBehavior of VARCHAR and COMPRESSed columns in SPOOL - response (1) by dnoeth
#1: false in general, but true when used in GROUP BY/ORDER BY/UNION. Plus the maximum size is considered during FastLoad/MLoad resulting in less row per block sent. For me this is always an indication...
View ArticleSpool space issue - response (3) by dnoeth
Ask your DBA to get access to that information, it's vital for development. Dieter
View ArticleEffect of reversing the order of columns in mutli-column stats - forum topic...
Does it make a difference if we reverse the order of the columns mentioned in multi-column stats. Eg:- collect stats on emp column (a,b) Vs collect stats on emp column (b,a) Cheers :-) SKForums:...
View ArticleNULLS are treated as high priority when assigned row numbers with in a group...
A Derived Table shouldn't change that, when you sort descending NULLs are sorted last. In your example you ordered by DNAME and all rows had NULL in it, maybe you ment DNO. For changing the default...
View ArticleOrder of RANK(yy) - response (3) by dnoeth
Yep, of course, that's what i ment when i wrote "don't use it" ;-) Dieter
View ArticleCS Ram, Pakdisk? Paddisk? - response (1) by dnoeth
Packdisk is a command of the Ferret tool, a command line utility to get information about Teradata's file system. It's fully documented in the Utilities and Database Administration manuals."CS Ram",...
View ArticleTable degeneration and amp data arrangement - response (1) by dnoeth
What do you mean by "degeneration"? To check for skewed distribution you'll find some queries in the forum, e.g.: http://forums.teradata.com/forum/database/help-for-stats Dieter
View ArticlePlease tell me the link to download teradata express edition 12.0 window...
Thanks for your information.
View ArticleBehavior of VARCHAR and COMPRESSed columns in SPOOL - response (2) by CarlosAL
Sorry for jumping in. About #1: since 'performance' is something vague in this question, I would add that many client applications calculate the buffers and memory sizes for queries (resultsets) based...
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