TPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (3) by vnaicker
It's there in 14.10. I saw it on 13.10 too. I see TPTBase-32bit, TPTStream-32bit and the corresponding TPTBase-64bit, TPTStream-64bit. So my understanding is that they do exist on 64bit. I installed...
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (4) by feinholz
Script-based TPT is only 32-bit (until a bit later this year when we release an update to 14.10 that will contain 64-bit TPT). The 4 operators you see listed as 64-bit is because we offer 64-bit...
View ArticleCopy Objects - forum topic by DannyChin
I am trying to use Teradata Studio to copy data from one Teradata machine to another. When I clicked on Tools then Copy/Compare Objects, it brings me to the Teradata Compare Objects window. Is the Copy...
View ArticleHelp getting Teradata ODBC driver installed - forum topic by mskeels1983
Hi all, I am looking for some help in getting the Teradata ODBC driver installed. I installed all three pieces in this order: ICU libraires, GSS Client, and then the ODBC driver. I have installed and...
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (5) by vnaicker
Thakns. Ok, so may be I have installed on 32bit afterall? Anyways, anyone knows why it would not save or launch the job even after several minutes (the job is supposed to launch when Finish is...
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (6) by feinholz
Are you really talking about TPTAPI? Or about the Wizard? (For TPTAPI, you have to write an application to drive the TPT operators.)
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (7) by vnaicker
Sorry, Wizard, not API. I am operating the wizard from windows. Defining a job to export a table into a file. It goes upto the final stage of saving the job and launching it but sits there indefnitely....
View ArticleCopy Objects - response (1) by fgrimmer
Yes and Yes. The documentation is in the Help>Help Content. Open the Teradata Administrator book and you will see Copy and Compare Database Objects section.
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (8) by feinholz
What version of the JRE are you running? BTW, we would rather you just create a script and run it from the command line. We will be discontinuing the Wizard (not sure when) and we are not fixing any...
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (11) by vnaicker
I am using JRE 7. Thanks for the update regarding discontinuation of the TPT Wizard.
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (12) by feinholz
The Wizard does not suppport JRE 7. I do not even think it supports 6. The last version I know of that worked was 5.x (and I would have to find out what the 'x' was). We are trying to improve our...
View ArticleReg.Teradata Features - response (6) by Michaelcanady
thanks for sharing with us here it really works well here. i am surprised with it
View ArticleTeradata - forum topic by ManishNayek
Hi, I am a new bee in Teradata, is there any good institute in Hyderabad for learning ?Tags: taining teradetaForums: Training
View Articleteradeta help - forum topic by ManishNayek
Can we store the start time , end time & number of rows affected by a SQL into another table in teradata, Can any one help in this ?Tags: .net, help, documentation, developerForums: Extensibility
View ArticleTeradata - forum topic by ManishNayek
We have migrated our system from netezza to teradata. But our queries taking very long time in executingTags: excelent teradata online training..Forums: Marketing & CRM
View ArticleTeradata - response (1) by HenryMiguel
I was at the same stage, someone asked me to take the help from BISP. They have very good hand on experienced guys. I have taken complete training for TERADATA developer & DBA. You may contact them...
View Articleteradeta help - response (1) by HenryMiguel
I would suggest http://www.bispsolutions, they are very good at technology & giving online solutions.
View ArticleTeradata - response (1) by HenryMiguel
I have take training of Teradata from BISP Solution Inc. They have very good team of specially for Hyperion, Informatica & Teradata. I would suggest you must contact him first. You may contact to...
View ArticleTeradata export - forum topic by ManishNayek
Can we export data in excel format using bteq ?Tags: exportForums: Tools
View ArticleTeradata export - response (1) by HenryMiguel
You may contact at, they have solutions for every problem.
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