SSAS DataSource View with .net provider for Teradata doesn't display tables -...
Note, ‘Restrict to Schema’ under DSV Advanced dialog is case sensitive. If it does not match database objects will be displayed
View ArticleCould not run startup.bat - response (19) by ScottWoodrow22
Reading through this I discovered I had to uninstall Java 7 and install Java 1.5 in order for tomcat to work with viewpoint. I uninstalled 7 and reinstalled 5, and now my Tomcat window pops up after I...
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - forum topic by vnaicker
I have TPT 14.10 64bit installed with PATH pointing to JRE 32bit. When I define a job, it goes until FINISH but does nothing when clicked. I have Run Job Now checked already. Removing the check from...
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (1) by vnaicker
Also tried the other way, load from text file into an empty table. Same result. It sits on Finish. The Run Job Now is checked. I have installed the TPT base and TPT stream, both. Both of them are 64bit.
View ArticleHow do you stop demoted queries from hogging CPU? - response (1) by Shelley
How have you defined your penalty box cpu allocation? If there is no hard limit it can consume any available cpu on the system You also need to be aware that if you have many queries going into the...
View ArticleUpdate statement syntax - forum topic by DataHead
Hi, I have 2 tables, the main table & the second table. The 'main table' has an Acct_Num field & a 'placeholder' column called 'item_1'& containing a zero. The second table contains an...
View ArticleReplace with carriage return/ line feed - forum topic by Nolan Madson
I'm trying to replace a string (" | ") with a carriage return/ line feed. The SQL I'm using is: UPDATE AML_META_COLUMN_MASTER SET TRANSFORM_RULE = REGEXP_REPLACE(TRANSFORM_RULE,' | ','0D0A'XC) WHERE...
View ArticleCHR function fails - forum topic by Nolan Madson
I'm trying to use the CHR function. Using the syntax: SELECT CHR(66); I get an error message "SELECT Failed 3706: Syntax error: expected something between '(' and the integer '66'. I assume there...
View ArticleUpdate statement syntax - response (1) by DataHead
Hi, I found that the tables had different data types and that was the problem!! Changed one table to suit the other & all worked.
View ArticleView validity check - response (2) by Harpreet Singh
Thanks Ulrich. It got me all invalid views.
View ArticleTeradata on Windows - Single Sign On - Help - response (2) by Michaelcanady
better to contact the moderator for this query you wowwuld get the best advice of it
View ArticleTransposing the data - QUERY - response (5) by ulrich
you could do the same with min and the change_log_from column build two derived tables (one with the max one with the min) and join the results together and coalesce the max, min values.
View ArticleReplace with carriage return/ line feed - response (1) by msk.khurram
Hi Nolan, Try this it will solve your problem SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('A|b','\|','0D0A'XC); In fact to replace a special character like | you have to precede it with a backslash \ character. Cheers :)...
View ArticleCHR function fails - response (2) by msk.khurram
Hi, This quesry is running fine at my end both at Bteq and SQL Assistant, and I have checked it at bother versions (13.10 & 14). Can you please paste the actual query you are trying to run in...
View ArticleConnectivity from MS ACcess Database to Teradata Database - forum topic by...
Hi Team, I am very new to Ms Access and teradat database as well. As part of my requirement i have to connect from MS Access [version 2010] database to Teradata database [Version] to...
View ArticleNeed help installing VMware Server/Player and downloading choice of VM -...
Doing my own networking I found out that the VMware intro and User Guide don't cover the step I needed, which was to download the VMPLAYER from the VMWARE Vendor website :-). So I resolved my problem....
View ArticleWill the STATS be useful on below kind of data? - forum topic by rajdct8q
I am new to teradata. Will the STATS be useful on below kind of data? 00000000001234561 00000000001234562 00000000001234563 00000000001234564...
View Articleshow table dbc source - response (2) by rcef350
thanks for the reply. where does show table get the info if not from DBC?
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (2) by feinholz
64-bit TPT has not been released yet.
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