Teradata institute - forum topic by kazimali
Any good training institute to learn TeradataForums: General
View ArticleInvalid date - datatype declared as varchar - forum topic by cheeli
Hi Experts, There was an issue once as the job has failed with Invalid date issue. On further checking, found that the date/timestamp column was declared of the datatype as VARCHAR(24) CHARACTER SET...
View ArticleStored procedures - calling tables and views - forum topic by dodo1992
I have to analyse 250 stored procedures to identify the tables and views they are using to get data from or inserting into. Is there a view of achieving this other than manually trying to eye-ball...
View ArticleTPT 64bit on Windows 7 sits on FINISH indefinitely - response (13) by vnaicker
Thanks for the information. Just to let you know, TPT started up, connected to db and the job was defined successfully but got stuck just at the finish stage. So, not sure if it's JRE related. But as...
View ArticleNeed to set Return Code upon "EOF on stdin" - response (2) by barani_sachin
I am also facing the same issue, It seems after entering the BTEQ its not coming back to shell. Ma script is like unix cmd1 unix cmd2 bteq <<[Test] .logmech ${TD_MECHANISMNAME} .logon...
View ArticleHow to exit a BTEQ in shell script? - forum topic by barani_sachin
Hi All I have a problem with BTEQ/shell, I have a series of unix cmd's and bteq logins; It seems after entering the BTEQ its not coming back to shell. Ma script is like unix cmd1 unix cmd2 bteq...
View ArticleReverse Engineering VISIO 2010 in Teradata - forum topic by dharmadam_man
I am trying to reverse engineer from Teradata to VISIO 2010. I get the following error. "You are using a VISIO ODBC Generic Driver" driverto connect with a Teradata DBMS data source. By using an...
View ArticleHow to exit a BTEQ in shell script? - response (1) by Nishant.Bhardwaj
Hi Sachin, Use QUIT after LOGOFF, pls find the below difference- LOGOFF End the current session or sessions, but do not exit BTEQ QUIT End the current session or sessions and exit BTEQ. Cheers!...
View ArticleWill the STATS be useful on below kind of data? - response (1) by...
Hi , Stats would always be helpful to Optimizer as it gives the data Demographics i.e Unique values,nullabity,non nullabity in order to create the best plae time . Sampled stats are recommended when...
View ArticleMultiple proxy roles in trusted session - forum topic by Capri_DR
Hi, Could someone please mention if we can set up multiple proxy roles for a application proxy user. We are setting query band to mention multiple roles but we are getting an error. SET QUERY_BAND...
View ArticleHelp needed on recursive sql - forum topic by dr.murthy_td
Hi , i have an table its having four fields cost,retail,units,weekdayyr. sample data is given below. cost,retail,units,weekdayofyr 120,125,100,1 115,132,142,1 114,859,236,2 114,158,258,2...
View ArticleQuery Rewriting. - response (5) by dnoeth
Did you compare the actual runtime and CPU/IO from DQBL (preferably QryLogSteps)? You didn't show the full SQL, but i assume there are some joins in the previous steps. Depending on the actual...
View ArticleStatistics information retrieved in dbc for Teradata 12 - response (4) by dnoeth
The link above is an old version of my stats query, the latest one is on DevEx now:How to decode the binary statistics stored in dbc tables But this is only up to TD13.10, as TD14 introduced a new way...
View Articlestrtok_split_to_table support only Integer and does not support other data...
Q1: For a character inkey use "RETURNS (serialno varchar(..) character set unicode". Q2: "Numeric" seems to be strictly INTEGER, nothing else. Otherwise you get garbage, just tried it on...
View ArticleReplace with carriage return/ line feed - response (2) by dnoeth
Hi Nolan, seems you're on TD14, for a simple replace like this (no regular expression needed) i would use oReplace(TRANSFORM_RULE,' | ','0D0A'XC) Dieter
View ArticleInvalid date - datatype declared as varchar - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Cheeli, the "invalid date" was not caused by the wrong datatype :-) But of course this oversized varchar is wrong (maybe it was originally based on an Oracle DATE), if it's always 8 chars best fit...
View ArticleStored procedures - calling tables and views - response (1) by dnoeth
Teradata's MDS (MetaData Services) could provide all this, but it' probably not installed on your site. Otherwise you might check DBQL, you will need to enable it on Object-level: Find the...
View ArticleHelp needed on recursive sql - response (1) by dnoeth
I can't match your sample data and required output based on your narrative. But it seems you don't need recursion, a simple OLAP function might be enough: SELECT SUM(tot_cost + tot_retail + tot_units)...
View ArticlePartition Elimination - response (1) by dnoeth
The date conditions are simply pushed into the stil table like any other condition resulting in partition elimination based on hard-coded values. I don't have access to a TD13.10 right now, but for...
View ArticleDeclare a Date variable at start of SQL Script - response (1) by dnoeth
In SQL Assistant simply use a parameter, i.e. "?Date_tm" instead of "Date_tm": SELECT ?CAST((Date_Tm (FORMAT 'YYYY-MM-DD')) AS VARCHAR(10)) AS Yr_Mon_Dy ,?CAST((Date_Tm (FORMAT 'YYYYMM')) AS CHAR(6))...
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