Can someone guide me in calculating the sum in the case - response (2) by...
this one might give a better picture than the previous one Sys Num, ID, Descr 0001, 10, Provider 0001, 10, Pro 0002, 84, Service 0003, 24, Buisness 0003, 24, Admin 0003, 24, Finance 0004, 41,...
View ArticleRunnig multiple queries through MS Excel uusing ODBC DSN - response (1) by Fred
In VBA code you can issue multiple requests on the same connection, but the wizard expects only a single data-returning SQL statement. It is submitting all the entered SQL above as one multi-statement...
View ArticleOracle "REPLACE" function equivalant function in Teradata - response (4) by...
Hi All, In order to overcome this I have created a procedure in my database to replace a particular string with another. REPLACE PROCEDURE REPLACE (IN in_source_str VARCHAR(4000), IN in_search_str...
View ArticleSUBSTR without explicitly coding the length parm - response (1) by ulrich
I can't reproduce the issue. select top 100 substring(myvar from 4), substr(myvar,4), substr(myvar,14,CHARACTER_LENGTH(myvar)) from mytbl;but as you can see above you don't need to specify the thrid...
View ArticleCan someone guide me in calculating the sum in the case - response (3) by...
thanks for the info Fred... Got the desired o/p.
View Articlecalling a SP inside a SP. - response (3) by barani_sachin
so the problem is with defining SQL SECURITY for TEMP?? I tried giving both owner and creator for TEMP still the issue persists.or the database in which the SP resides needs SP execution access??...
View ArticleImplicit conversion of Integer to VARCHAR - forum topic by emaillenin
View ArticleImplicit conversion of Integer to VARCHAR - response (1) by ulrich
But as the explain states it will try to do the coversion for all values of order_key in the table. The message you get is indicating that at least one value of order_key can be converted to a float...
View ArticleOnline Training - response (25) by Kelly
Hi, I am attending the Teradata Developer course conducted by Manohar and found it very useful. Training provides the good grasp of all the teradata concepts and within a month you become a expert...
View ArticleComparing row count of two tables called by cursor - response (2) by gannu
Thanks Fred, But i was thinking to create a volatile table and insert two values of count of two tables and compare. If duplicate values register error. And at end of loop it will delete the values....
View ArticleSUBSTR without explicitly coding the length parm - response (2) by ronirwin
Thanks so much for responding, I appreciate it. It's tough to duplicate because the sum total of the column lengths have to exceed the max size that TD allows before you will get the error. I was...
View ArticleLarge-scale update question - response (1) by rtefft
No responses, but I found a solution. It appears that using joined-updates or joined-deletes is not viable performance-wise unless both table have the same primary index AND that primary index exactly...
View ArticleSUBSTR without explicitly coding the length parm - response (3) by dnoeth
It's exceeding the maximum row size because the column is defined as LATIN and your session character set is UNICODE and/or you ORDER BY some of those columns. The calculation is based on the possible,...
View ArticleSSAS DataSource View with .net provider for Teradata doesn't display tables -...
SSAS DataSource View with .net data provider for Teradata doesn't display tables in "select tables and views". The conection test is Ok and explorer data is ok too, but when create the datasource view...
View ArticleIs it possible to handle the date in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS NNNNNN ?...
thanks! That's what I eventually ended up doing.
View ArticleCast from CHAR(20) to SMALLINT - response (10) by mandeep_m91
when you are dealing with char/varchar columns and trying to convert them to numbers, you might try the below to filter out alpha-numeral values select * from table_name where upper(column) <>...
View ArticleShowcase query: most recent check dates - response (1) by mandeep_m91
create multiset volatile table vt_max_date as ( select vendorID,max(CheckDate) as maxDate from vendor_info_table group by vendorID ) with data on commit preserve rows; select a.vendorID,a.checkNum...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (69) by blng_blng
i'd like to see what you I have two test dumbs for te0-121 if anyone wants them holler at me...
View ArticleHow to answer conflicting questions? - response (1) by blng_blng
i am sitting for te0-121 (did you clear that?) and I am running into the same issue... what did you use to clear te0-121?
View ArticleTeradata 12 Certification - response (231) by blng_blng
gk162, could you help me with te0-121? what did you use to study? i have two test dumps and the manual... some of the test dumps answers/solutions seem fishy... could you help a brother...
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