create multiset volatile table vt_max_date as
select vendorID,max(CheckDate) as maxDate
from vendor_info_table
group by vendorID
with data
on commit preserve rows;
select a.vendorID,a.checkNum
from vendor_info_table a, vt_max_date b
where a.vendorID = b.vendorID
and a.checkDate =b.maxDate;
create multiset volatile table vt_max_date as
select vendorID,max(CheckDate) as maxDate
from vendor_info_table
group by vendorID
with data
on commit preserve rows;
select a.vendorID,a.checkNum
from vendor_info_table a, vt_max_date b
where a.vendorID = b.vendorID
and a.checkDate =b.maxDate;
Hope this helps..