TD studio does not reflect DDL changes. - response (3) by fgrimmer
If you run SQL from the SQL Editor, the Data Source Explorer does not get notified that an object has changed, thus you will need to do a manual Refresh. If you use one of our Studio dialogs to create...
View Articlecalling a SP inside a SP. - forum topic by barani_sachin
Hi all, I am facing the below error while trying to call a SP from another SP!!CALL Failed. 3523: TEMP:An owner referenced by user does not have EXECUTE PROCEDURE access to temp1. REPLACE PROCEDURE...
View ArticleSQL query to Teradata SQL - response (5) by Jessy Mahesh Kothapalli
Hi Team, Problem is solved :) , by using mentioned logic we achieved ( ((extract(minute from T61292."X_ATTRIB_27")) - (extract(minute from ( T61292."X_ORD_DT_CREATED" + CAST( 330 AS INTERVAL...
View ArticleGenerating Sequence Number - response (6) by Jessy Mahesh Kothapalli
Hi Team, I’m just inserting ‘9925203’ records into backup tables which is having SEQ_NUM SEQ_NUM decimal(10,0) NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE...
View ArticleGenerating Sequence Number - response (7) by Jessy Mahesh Kothapalli
Why it is showing maxvalue is greather than actuall row count?select count(1) from prod_olap_bkp.w_plrevn_op_a--9,925,203Why it is weird behaving ?
View ArticleGenerating Sequence Number - response (8) by ulrich
becaus the increment by 1 is handled vproc local. Identity columns are not guarantee a sequence - they only quarantee unique ids. Each vproc request a range of numbers he can assign next. The size of...
View ArticleGenerating Sequence Number - response (9) by ulrich
P.S. read the documentation carefully before using identity columns. There are other issues as well which need to be considered...
View ArticleCan someone guide me in calculating the sum in the case - forum topic by...
Table dataSys NumId Descr 0001 10 Provider 0001 10 Pro 0002 84 Service 0003 24 Buisness 0003 24 Admin 0003 24 Finance 0004 41 PhilosophyAll i want is to calculate the running sum based on the SysNum...
View Articlecalling a SP inside a SP. - response (1) by KS42982
I think the error that you get is not about the access at the user level, but at the database level. database 1 (temp) doesn't have execute procedure access to database 2 (temp1). I am not a DBA, so...
View ArticleCan someone guide me in generating the Seq number? - forum topic by...
i/p data Sys Num, ID, Descr, 0001, 10, Provider 0001, 10, Pro 0002, 84, Service 0003, 24, Buisness 0003, 24, Admin 0003, 24, Finance 0004, 41, PhilosophyMy desired o/p is Sys Num, ID, Descr, Sum 0001,...
View ArticleSUBSTR without explicitly coding the length parm - forum topic by ronirwin
Hello I'm have a query that's taking a Failure 2805 ENTDW_IN_PRT_ACV2IN_PRT_ACV_SP:Maximum row length exceeded in ..... error. Bascially, I have eight VARCHAR(4000) columns in the table which is...
View ArticleSQL assistant vs BTEQ - response (24) by tomnolan
The Apache Derby "ij" interactive SQL tool is included with Oracle (Sun) JDK 6.0 and JDK 7.0 and can be used with the Teradata JDBC Driver....
View ArticleComparing row count of two tables called by cursor - forum topic by gannu
Hi, I am trying to compare the row count of table in two different databases but the tables are similar with same DDL. I need to call table name in cursor and database names are parameters of the...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (67) by omar_dip
Hi Friends, I am basically an oracle DBA got a strond interest on teradata. i would really appreciate if anyone can help me with initial starting to learn teradata from administrator and development...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (68) by MikeC
Teradata Express for VMWware Player is available from the download page and then I would look at getting Teradata Studio installed to start playing with Teradata...
View ArticleUnable to get Express 14.0 to run on VMWare server - response (1) by ultrahax
If you use vmware converter you can convert the image from player to esx / esxi. I have done this with TDE 14.0 and ESXi 5.1.
View ArticleUnable to get Express 14.0 to run on VMWare server - response (2) by MikeC
While this is indeed possible (and has been done by a number of customers) you may find that the "Evaluation and Demonstration" provisions of the Teradata Express License may not be sufficient to...
View Articlecalling a SP inside a SP. - response (2) by Fred
The "owner" (database or user in which TEMP is defined) does not have EXECUTE PROCEDURE right for TEMP1. Rights of the user are checked when invoking TEMP, but because TEMP does not specify SQL...
View ArticleCan someone guide me in calculating the sum in the case - response (1) by Fred
Looks like you want DENSE_RANK, which is not implemented natively in Teradata. See Dieter's blog
View ArticleComparing row count of two tables called by cursor - response (1) by Fred
You need to use "dynamic SQL that returns a result set", something like this: DECLARE SqlStr VARCHAR(1000); DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR S1; SET SqlStr = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '||a||'.'||T_name; PREPARE S1...
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