Purge the work tables cretaed a month before and create report with the list...
hm I mixed the 10 and 50... check also dieters posts in http://forums.teradata.com/forum/tools/bteq-cannot-write-hexa-character-... if you have trouble with the newline in the export...
View Articleprimary index using begin(period) - topic by tom.gnade
I have a time-series table with data points that are time periods. I'd like to be able to evaluate the following designs: create multiset table dropme_t0( whatever_id varchar(50),...
View ArticleSlow Left Join query - response (4) by nyemul
Hello Ulrich, All rows have same count value. HASHROW(S_SK) Count(*) ------------------- ----------- 6A330209 14144 9F8501AE 14144 .... C8E817F5...
View ArticleSlow Left Join query - response (5) by ulrich
But in this case it mean that for each matching S_SK your answer set will generate up to 14144 result rows. Is that what you expect? Ulrich
View ArticleQuestion about using Queryband in a macro called from a JAVA program -...
after hacking around with the example code, I was able to figure out the issue. The set query_band doesn't actually return any thing to resultset. we were checking for something when we should have...
View ArticleUnable to import Geo Data with TDGeoImport - response (1) by vickyejain
We're facing this exact same situation - it's TD13.1, I'm able to create tables with geospatial data types and run SQLs with geospatial functions, but the import fails with the same reason as above. In...
View ArticleRecursive sql - topic by peterson
I have this case in teradata, where in the certain set of child members (which are eventually parent members later) should be eliminated (along with their level 0 members ) and rest of the members...
View ArticleHow to get the activity count in a stored Procedure - topic by msuman07
Hello Everyone, I am new to Teradata. I am using Teradata SQL Assistant . I have a requirement where i have to capture the activity counts of each Insert/Update statements in a stored Procedure and...
View ArticleWhy I am getting "Load Operator: TPT10306: Error 5 retrieving attribute...
Hi, TPT GURU, I am getting the above error while running tbuild. could you please help? read more
View ArticleTeradata 12 Certification - response (225) by bwilson
Well said rayedmond! This is why certifications are worth as much as the piece of paper they are printed on. We don't want Teradata to be the next Microsoft where everybody and their mother has a cert...
View ArticleWhat is difference between VDisk and Physical Disk? - response (2) by Jeeva
Hi, Can someone explain what is the VDISK. What it actually contains..
View ArticleFast Export producing unreadable text file - response (8) by ChaniTata
Hey this is just FYI..! Dont have to be solution you are looking for.. The following worked for me. export file=/blah/blah/blah/export_tbl.data ColumnDelimiter = | Endexport...
View ArticleParameterize source & target table name and also schema details in TPT script...
Hi, I have a requirement to move data from a teradata table (PROD region) to other teradata table(DEV region) using TPT. Say, Source table Name: Bank_Prod Columns : ID (interger) , NAME (CHAR) Target...
View ArticleUsing SQL to Query for NaN - topic by Paul.Hooper
I have a table (I'll call this DTM) which has a column of the type FLOAT (I'll call this VAL). This table currently includes rows in which the value of that column is NaN (not a number). We are...
View ArticlePerformance Tuning Merge Statement - topic by srilamaiti
Hello Experts, Can you please help me in tuning the below MERGE statement where both the tables have same PPI (loc_id, gnrc_item_id, gnrc_item_lvl_cd) having ~95 millions of records:- read more
View ArticlePerformance Tuning Merge Statement - response (1) by srilamaiti
Here is the explain plan for the same:- 1) First, we lock a distinct EDW_PR_WORK_DB."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to prevent global deadlock for EDW_PR_WORK_DB.SWM_SLS_AGG_NEW....
View ArticleExternal UDF for strtok function in 13.10? - topic by tstrick4
Hi, I'm looking for an external UDF that will emulate the strtok function in C. I'm aware that it is available as an internal function on TD14, but our client is running 13.10. I am using it in a...
View ArticlePerformance Stats - response (2) by SmarakDas
In addition to the above Performance Metrics, other important factors which also needs to be considered are: (a) ImpactCPU: MaxAMPCPUTime * (HASHAMP() + 1) (b) Parallel Efficiency: AMPCPUTime /...
View ArticleSlow Left Join query - response (7) by ratnamch
sel day_of_year from sys_calendar.calendar where calendar_date=date it displays no of days previous date means (2011/05/03) how to write query
View ArticleUse TPT to load a million flat files - topic by neo_3072
Hi, I am facing a unique challenge, problem is to process a million flatfiles for ELT. Using TPT to leverage parallelism and optimized loading. However, acquisition phase is taking longer than...
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