Explain plans differ when object (view) names are fully qualified and when...
It will be great if you provide view defintion
View ArticleExplain plans differ when object (view) names are fully qualified and when...
My mistake, I meant query which gives different plan, if possible
View ArticleVP Filters could not Filer with PM/API Connection - response (1) by stever
Viewpoint is a web-based product. It doesn't access the PM/API through Excel. You should refer to the Application Programming Reference document for Teradata if you want more information about how to...
View ArticleBTEQ: Failure 5495 Stored Procedure 'ds_loader.SP_GRABA_RESPUESTAS_DM' does...
I'm still with the same problem. Also I've noticed it's an aleatory error. I ran the same job many times, and sometimes gives me the error, and sometimes no error. And it's the same job, same script,...
View ArticleHow to Call Teradata Stored Procedure - response (5) by Adeel Chaudhry
Add new questions as new post. You will have better chance to get your answer.
View ArticlePerformance issue with Teradata Express for VMware Player - response (4) by...
Check if your system is capable enough .... and also VMWare is allowed to use sufficient amount of memory.
View ArticleQuery on Big Table sized approx 1 TB - response (1) by Adeel Chaudhry
First of all, it needs to be analyzed before concluding what needs to be done. Initial thoughts drag me to ask .... if stats are collected? The main idea is to minimize two things .... one,...
View ArticleROLE MAPPING ATTRIBUTES - response (9) by macktd
Hello Stever, Could you suggest me in which criteria Td viewpoint use Y(logical) & G(global) deadlocks? mack
View ArticleQuestion about using Queryband in a macro called from a JAVA program - topic...
We are in the process of moving most of our applications use Querybanding and one of the ways we are doing this is by implementing the queryband as part of a macro this way we can ensure the query band...
View ArticleFastload error :when trying to load data using fastload from BTEQ exported...
I got return code:5 http://www.eternalsun.com/
View ArticleHow to Find Database name using Proxyid/Service id - response (1) by AmarnathG
Hi All, Any replies...Thanks
View ArticleSlow Left Join query - response (1) by ulrich
some observations - 1. "spa_usage1 contains app 54 million rows" vs. "The size of Spool 2 is estimated with low confidence to be 567,176,439 rows" which is a 10x difference. Stats not up to date? or...
View ArticleHow to Find Database name using Proxyid/Service id - response (2) by ulrich
Silence might be related to the fact of unclear understanding of requirements. What are you looking for? "database name using Proxy id/Service id"???????????
View ArticlePurge the work tables cretaed a month before and create report with the list...
Hi All, I need to purge work tables which were created a month before. I am using the below query to extract the list of all such tables: SELECT DISTINCT 'DROP TABLE DB1.' || B.TABLENAME || ' ;' FROM...
View ArticleSlow Left Join query - response (2) by nyemul
Hi Ulrich, select count(*) from misc.SPA_USAGE1 shows rows as 575,641,759 DataBaseName TableName skew_factor 1 misc spa_usage1 1.71 My apologies for...
View ArticleDAO Error When Exporting To MS Access - response (2) by myokitis
Ahhh. Thanks for the guidance Mike.
View ArticlePurge the work tables cretaed a month before and create report with the list...
try SELECT DISTINCT 'DROP TABLE DB1.' || TABLENAME || ' ; ' !! case when row_number() over (order by tablename) mod 10 = 0 then '.hang 50;' else '' end FROM dbc.tables WHERE tablekind = 'T' AND...
View ArticlePurge the work tables cretaed a month before and create report with the list...
Hi Waq, Can you please explain a bit? I am not aware of this.Thanks.
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