Executing FastLoad Protocol on TPT with Flat files with VARIABLE COLUMN...
What version of TPT are you using? TPT supports "long" rows and "short" rows. If you provide a schema in the TPT script that matches the target table, you can then specify "AcceptMissingColumns" and...
View ArticleRequire TERADATA EXPRESS STUDIO for 64bit Windows 7...both Client and...
Are you wanting Teradata Express or Teradata Studio Express or both? These are two different products. Teradata Express is a VMWare or EC2 image of Teradata. Teradata Studio Express is a client tool...
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - response (7) by dnoeth
Select case when grouping(LOB) = 1 then '' else LOB end, case when grouping(CMPGN_NAME) = 1 then '' else CMPGN_NAME end, case when grouping(INC_TRXN_CD) = 1 then 'TOTAL' else INC_TRXN_CD end, sum (...
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - response (8) by...
Thank you so much Dieter :) This is great :)
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (109) by charanjasti
Hi, can you please provide me the material, my id: stylo2kool@gmail.com Thanks
View ArticleHow do I access a VMWare hosted Teradata Express from a local TD Mapping...
The ip address you use to access the Teradata Database on a VMPlayer Guest LINUX OS (Host was Win 7 in my case) can be obtained through executing the ifconfig command from the LINUX (guest OS where TD...
View ArticleTeradata Express - VMWare 1TB version 13.10 - Frequent CPU spike and...
I am installing Teradata Express - VMWare 1TB version 13.10, Study hard!
View ArticleStarge No more Spool Space Error - forum topic by zigzagdna
I am new to Teradata. I am using Teradata 14.x on SuseLimux (vm image supplied by Teradata). I connect using dbc in Teradata Studio Express and then run following statements: create user premtest2...
View ArticleStarge No more Spool Space Error - response (1) by zigzagdna
No more spool space in premtest2 (and not premtest3). Looks to me some misleading error message, root cause may be something else.
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (110) by Reshma_gade
HI Todd, Please provide me the material. resh.gade@gmail.com
View ArticleStarge No more Spool Space Error - response (2) by dnoeth
Spool space is used for intermediate results/sorting/answer set. When you click on "Tables" a query will be submitted to retrieve that information from Teradata's system tables, either a "SELECT...
View ArticleTeradata Hot-Back up - forum topic by mayya@teradataforum
Hi, We carry out Hot back-up of our databases i.e. our processes will be running at the back end and database back-up at the same time. Just i want to know that how this process will be carried out....
View ArticleStarge No more Spool Space Error - response (3) by zigzagdna
Thanks a lot. I increased my spool space to 500M and now I am not getting that error.
View ArticleDesign change / Perf Optimization Suggestion required - response (1) by Fred
For TD13.10 or later, you could use a scalar subquery: SEL count(1) FROM ( SELECT RTL_ID RetailID, CATG_ID CATGID, Shipment_Dt , MAX(Catg_Store_Selling_13Wk_Cnt) AS CatgStoreCount...
View ArticleAccess Right Abbreviations - response (6) by Fred
See the Data Dictionary manual for the appropriate release for a complete list. SH = Show GC = Create GLOP GD = Drop GLOP GM = GLOP Member OP = Create Owner Procedure
View Articleteradata partioned primary indexes - how to split and merge partitions -...
I have worked with range partitioning in sql server and Oracle. There are alter table statements to split and merge partitions. I have not seen any clear documentaion in Teredata. I am interested in...
View ArticleHow to Calculate the total IO used by System for a particular week - forum...
Hi Everyone, The last week was a very busy one on my project. I saw AWTs being consistently used in the range of 60-70. I have calculated the CPU Utilization for the time period mentioned. The client...
View ArticleMLPPI question - response (3) by Deepak Agrawal
I have questions related to MLPPI as I was studying it from Physical DB design manual from SoCal Library. in the module 7, its mentioned that with below table and query, will utilize MLPPI. CREATE...
View ArticleHow to answer conflicting questions? - response (2) by muhammadfahad.18
I have cleared TE0-125 recently. Now no help is available for TE0-126 :(
View Articlethe price of Teradata 14 Certification Exams - response (5) by muhammadfahad.18
Hi All, I am preparing for Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture. Any help or suggesstion and preferably study material for this exam. I could not find any study material for this.
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