Global Temporary Table With Multi-Level Partitioning - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Raja, it's exactly the same syntax you already use, just write CREATE VOLATILE/GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE :-) Dieter
View ArticleReg: spool space error - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Chaitanya, did you check *why* there was a no more spool space? Is the processing skewed, did the plan change or was there just an increase of rows processed? Are statistics up to date? Could you...
View ArticleUpdate statement with left outer join in from clause. - response (4) by dnoeth
Hi Harpreet, i don't know if this is correct, i never used an outer join for update in SQL Server. But there's no join condition on Client_GID in your original query. Dieter
View ArticleNeed Help to implement recursive logic - response (1) by dnoeth
It's hard to tell without more details, DDL, some INSERTs and the expected result. You can probably do that using WITH RECURSIVE or maybe EXPAND ON in TD13.10 Dieter
View ArticleFind position of a character in a string - response (7) by CarlosAL
Sorry for jumping in. You can also get the results using an 'iterator' : As per your example (4th ocurrence of '_': BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request or BTEQ command: SELECT SUBSTR(pre.cadena,...
View ArticleBTEQ in ANSI mode - forum topic by mayya@teradataforum
Hi, I am checking how BTEQ works in ANSI mode and so below is my BTEQ script, .set session transaction ANSI; .run file e:\jedi_logon\mvn.ctl; select * from jedi_mvn_db.zam_employee ; .QUIT But when i...
View ArticleReg: spool space error - response (2) by chaitu_kanna
Hi Dieter, First of all thanks for your response. I don't have much experience with tera, i have checked with DBA's who are taking care of tera, they said there is no change in spool allocating to...
View ArticleCASESPECIFIC What is its purpose? - response (3) by zigzagdna
Dieter, Chinmay: Thanks a lot. I am actually using Terdata Studio Express 14.x on Suse Linux. By default., it probably uses ANSI mode. I have not found how to set it to use TRadata mode. Since I am...
View ArticleCASESPECIFIC What is its purpose? - response (4) by dnoeth
You set the transaction mode in the connection string: TMODE=ANSI/TERA/DEFAULT Regarding "best mode" you should check your system's default. Most systems still use Teradata sessions and there are some...
View ArticleFind position of a character in a string - response (8) by dnoeth
Hi Carlos, no excuses, you're welcome :-) Of course you can use a cross join to a number table to split a string, but performance mainly depends on the defined size of the VARCHAR - cross joining a...
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - forum topic by...
Hi , I have folliwng query for summing u the value Select LOB , CMPGN_NAME ,INC_TRXN_CD as TRANSACTION_CD , sum ( INC_AMT ) as TOTAL_DOLLAR_AMT , count (*) as TOTAL_ACCTS from UD466.FF_PRCSS where...
View ArticleReg: spool space error - response (3) by dnoeth
Hi Chaitanya, you get the DDL of all tables using a SHOW before the SELECT and stats info is returned by "HELP STATS tablename". According to explain there are CASTs on bi_id columns due to wrong...
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - response (1) by...
It seems formating issue in the original post .....Currently my result somewhat look like below LOB CMPG_NAME TRANSACTION_CD TOTAL_DOLLAR_AMT TOTAL_ACCTS CON...
View ArticleCASESPECIFIC What is its purpose? - response (5) by zigzagdna
Dieter: Thanks so much, I looked in JDBC Connecton parameter set in Terdata Studio Express and it was ANSI, but I now changed it to TERA, I can verify that results NOT CASESPECIFIC select * from...
View ArticleTeradata JNDI connectivity - response (5) by tomnolan
Please do not add new questions to old forum threads. Please start a new forum thread for a new question. Regarding your question... Each database vendor offers a JDBC Driver for its own database....
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - response (2) by dnoeth
If this query is run in SQL Assistant you can simply press F4 in the answer set window to get a final row with sums for all numeric columns. If this is a BTEQ script you could add a WITH...
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - response (3) by...
Thanks Dieter above query gives me the answer but i dont want represent first three columns as NULL and the total of other columns it looks like table values rather summation of total sum. For display...
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - response (4) by...
Would be great if it show TOTAL in column C ( TRANSACTION_CD ) and the TOTAL of DOLLAR amount and total of account numbers like below LOB CMPG_NAME TRANSACTION_CD...
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - response (5) by dnoeth
For BTEQ don't use the column alias but the original name, i told you i didn't use it for years :-) WITH sum ( INC_AMT ) , count (*) And for GROUPING SETS you get rid of the NULLs using GROUPING and...
View ArticleHow to sum up the columns total value in the last row - response (6) by...
Select LOB, CMPGN_NAME, INC_TRXN_CD as TRANSACTION_CD , sum ( INC_AMT ) as TOTAL_DOLLAR_AMT , count (*) as TOTAL_ACCTS from UD466.FF_PRCSS where Elg_Flg='Y'group by grouping sets ((1,2,3), ()) order by...
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