Teradata SW - response (2) by amilineni.rajesh
Want to know the importance of Tera data software
View Articlemore than one value was returned by subquery - response (3) by MMM
I am all set and closed this case
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (80) by Fancy30
Hi Todd, Can you please send me the Training Material to rjrose27@gamil.com Thanks Fancy
View ArticleNew connection in my local machine - forum topic by sunis12
Hi, I am very much new to Teradata. I have installed teradata studio express on my windows 7(64 bit) laptop. Now I need to create database and connection. 1) I do not have a database- is there any...
View ArticleWant to remove some data values on the basis of count second column - forum...
Hi, I have below query sel ent_cust_id , count(*) from UD466.TAR_Inst a, SECURED.EC_CUST_SUMRY b where a.acct_id=b.acct_id and a.sor_id=b.sor_id and b.ent_cust_id is not null group by 1 having...
View ArticleAccess to the Update space utility denied in viewpoint remote console. -...
I have checked the console database to grant execute privilege to viewpoint user and there I dont see any macro for updatespace utility. But I know, I can access this utility from node through CNStool,...
View ArticleCASE statement - forum topic by cheeli
Hi experts, Can you please let me know one the below behavior. select case when 1=1 then cast('00010101' as timestamp format 'YYYYMMDD') endO/P: 1/1/0001 00:00:00.000000 select case when 1=1 then...
View ArticleCreating a Soft RI - forum topic by taruntrehan
Hi All, I have to implement a soft ri in one of my project. Following are the tables in PER_DATA: person_mst with columns p_num bigint p_dt date p_status char(1) composite key is defined on columns...
View ArticleAlter an Existing PPI - forum topic by taruntrehan
Hi All, I have the following table defined : person_car_dtl p_num bigint p_dt date p_car_num varchar(100) primary index (p_num) PARTITION BY RANGE_N(p_dt BETWEEN DATE '2002-01-01' AND DATE...
View ArticleWant to remove some data values on the basis of count second column -...
If you can solve it using simple subqueries, you should solve it that way. These things tend to get complex enough without developers trying to prove their SQL skills. The subtitle and first section...
View ArticleCASE statement - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Cheeli, according to the manuals "IF the THEN/ELSE clause expressions contain a DateTime or Interval data type then all of the THEN/ELSE clause expressions must have the same data type." So there...
View ArticleAccess to the Update space utility denied in viewpoint remote console. -...
If there's no macro, simply create it :-) replace macro console.updatespace as (;); And then you can grant EXEC on it. Dieter
View ArticleNew connection in my local machine - response (1) by dnoeth
TD Studio Express is only a client :-) if you want to connect it to Teradata you need to install TD Express first: http://downloads.teradata.com/download/database/teradata-express/vmware Dieter
View ArticleWant to remove some data values on the basis of count second column -...
Thanks Vande:) i will write subquery , but only point of asking solution OLAP query if i get into some other complex scenario which need OLAP solution then. I may not need to post another post. Please...
View ArticleAlter an Existing PPI - response (1) by taruntrehan
Figured out the sytax and was able to alter PPI using the following command : alter table person_car_dtl MODIFY PRIMARY INDEX (p_num) ADD RANGE BETWEEN DATE '2014-01-01' AND DATE '2021-12-31' EACH...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (81) by yash26101
Hey Todd,Please also forward me the material at : yashgreenfields@gmail.comThanks !Regards, Yash
View ArticleTPT Kill Job Error - forum topic by KS42982
Hi, I have just started using TPT and was loading one empty table from one environment to another. It was taking longer than usual so I killed the job using 'Kill job' option on TPT screen. However, if...
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