Convert string into date - response (1) by Kbos
You may try to cast the string value to date format... cast (string_value as date format 'YYYY/MM/DD') Since you have 4/6/2013 you could concatenate a zero (0) to the first character...and then apply...
View ArticleAbout renaming a column - response (4) by Kbos
Thanks Harpreet for your suggestion :) Thanks Chinmay :)
View ArticleUsing quotes for numeric datatype in Teradata - forum topic by lavendar
Hi All, I would like to know, in Teradata, does it allow single quotes for numeric datatype (int or decimal)? I have tried TD using quotes. It works. but one of my friend is facing issue when using...
View ArticleWith Teradata Studio why does a timestamp(0) export with trailing .0 -...
Hello Francine, Thank you for your response, and looking into this. I tried to import via Studio, and yes, that worked - thanks. But, our goal is to export and import high volumes of files and so...
View ArticleProblems with dynamic creation of Volatile tables - response (11) by...
Hi, I have a question. I am running a create volatile table with on commit preserve rows followed by 2 insert into statements. Select * returns the 2 entered rows on my machine and login whereas the...
View ArticlePatient Census by hour of day - forum topic by esr128
I have a horizontal patient data set. In order words a patient can be admitted to a floor, transfer in / out of a floor, and be discharged. Each of those events are a row of data for each patient. I...
View ArticleSecurity views in Semantic data modelling. - response (2) by HC-LDM
In the "pyramid" analogy for semantic layer design, traditional Teradata methodology proposes a layer for security views. The following comments are based on typical needs and not any specific...
View ArticleProblems with dynamic creation of Volatile tables - response (12) by Shelley
Volatile tables and their data are only available to the session that creates them. They are not available to other sessions. Your friend needs to run the create volatile table (including the on commit...
View ArticleCan you direct me to metrics on Teradata Master certification? - forum topic...
I'm curious to know how many individuals hold the Teradata Master certification and at what version. Are there any metrics listing how many hold this and if they were new or previously certified at a...
View ArticleTeradata SW - forum topic by jagadishecs
Any good training institute to learn teradata.Forums: Database
View ArticleSecurity views in Semantic data modelling. - response (3) by Karam
Thanks Lee Which TD version have these capablitites? I know it was missing till TD 12.
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (79) by senthil_kumar
Hello Todd, Could you please send those TD14 docs to Thanks for your help. Senthil.
View ArticleSecurity views in Semantic data modelling. - response (4) by HC-LDM
Vishal, The only topic I mentioned that is database version dependant is temporal features. They are in v12 and 13. The SMBB is not a database component. It is a design patern that we used to build...
View ArticlePatient Census by hour of day - response (1) by dnoeth
Your narration sounds familiar, it's a variation of a generic problem, a count over a time series :-) To solve it, you have to elaborate on details and expected result set. One row for each point in...
View ArticleTeradata SW - response (1) by Kbos
I dont know where you are located so I cannot tell you a good Institute, but I suggest you to check some manuals by going to it may help you
View Article'Row Number () Partition By' syntax problem - response (7) by Michaelcanady
thanks for this ultimate solution here. i am impressed with it and it works well here for us
View ArticleUsing quotes for numeric datatype in Teradata - response (1) by lavendar
Hi All, Please advice on the same. Thanks Lavendar
View Article'Row Number () Partition By' syntax problem - response (8) by dnoeth
Well, the "ultimate solution" in this case would use QUALIFY instead of a Derived Table and WHERE :-) SELECT * FROM DW_NLIP_PRV_PLNS QUALIFY ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY Subscription_Id ORDER BY...
View ArticleUsing quotes for numeric datatype in Teradata - response (2) by dnoeth
Hi Lavendar, a "quoted numeric" is not numeric it's a string which is automatically casted by the Parsing Engine to the appropriate data type. Like '2013-06-07' is not a date, it's a string but when...
View ArticleSQL assistant vs BTEQ - response (27) by peterson10011
Thanks for giving this useful information.
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