RODBC fails and teradataR crashes on RHEL6 - response (2) by toddb
You actually need to compile RODBC with teradata to get this to work...try the following in R: install.packages('RODBC',...
View ArticleTeradataR Question - response (1) by toddb
You should be able to use with a as input to retrieve rows from the database into R. It would look like this: tdf <-'mytable'); df <-...
View ArticleDeclare a Date variable at start of SQL Script - forum topic by DataHead
Hi, To avoid entering a date parameter many times, in many different formats to my script, I want to declare a date variable at the start. I would then use the CAST function to change the formats to...
View ArticleteradataR package and R 3.0.0 - response (1) by toddb
It will work on any version >= 2.11 and < 3.0.0.
View ArticleTeradata Express AMP DOWN - forum topic by markhunter
Hi, I am running Teradata Express 13.0. I am trying to run queries against the database and I get the error message that the AMP is down. I have checked the database state using PDESTATE-a and all is...
View ArticleIssue during Conversion of varchar to Timestamp(0) - response (3) by...
The timestamp(0) is expected to have length 20 by teradata. Hence the issue must be with source data or the defintion that has got length of 14 resulting in truncation.
View ArticleTD studio does not reflect DDL changes. - response (6) by Michaelcanady
i dont know why the DDl changes do not get quickly updated?? is there any problem related to the site or not
View Articledata conversion - response (1) by Harpreet Singh
SELECTCASE REP_INT WHEN '3' THEN '4'WHEN '6' THEN '2'WHEN '7' THEN '52'WHEN '12' THEN '1'WHEN '14' THEN '26'ELSE '12' END AS Div ,(COALESCE(cnt_mat_dte,pricing_dte) - Per_dte)/365.25000000000000...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (77) by JOE RAMYA
Hi Todd, can you please send me the materials related to Terdata 14.0 and also the course materials related to TE0 122 EXAM to '' thanks in advance!
View ArticleInstall Oracle UDFs - forum topic by StevenSchmid
Hi I'm trying to install the Oracle UDFs from the download from Developer Exchange. I getting a problem running the Perl script to replace the path location of the udf code. e.g set...
View ArticleImplementing SCD TypeII using Mload - forum topic by anubha_harrison
To implement SCD type II using Mload, we need to know the primary key of the data. A comparison with primary key on source with the corresponding target field will help us in understanding the data...
View ArticleSCD type 2 - response (6) by anubha_harrison
Hi Folks, Refer to the below link for sample script to implement SCD type II in teradata using Multiload
View ArticleView validity check - forum topic by Harpreet Singh
Hi, How Can I check which views in particular database are invalid using system tables? Invalid means that objects referenced by view are not present now and were dropped so view will give error now...
View ArticleTable partitioning on TIMESTAMP(3) in Teradata 13 - response (12) by AshishPatil
Hi, We are on TD 13.10. We implemented PPI on timestamp column with below syntax, CREATE SET TABLE ..... . . . UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX ( DATASOURCE_NUM_ID ,INTEGRATION_ID ,X_ORDER_TYPE ,X_INVC_DT )...
View ArticleTPT: system variables with result count - response (5) by teradata12
Iam trying to Develop a TPT script with multiple instances of the DataConnector Operator to extract rows from a file and uses multiple instances of the Update Operator to perform upserts against two...
View ArticleStatistics information retrieved in dbc for Teradata 12 - response (3) by...
Gents, Good day, we recently upgraded to a 8 or 9 node 6690 appliance and TD14, when I run the 64 bit query, I get an error on the NumValues and NumRows (expotional calculations). With a numeric...
View ArticleTechnology change - Mainframe to Teradata - response (3) by anubha_harrison
Hi Saheel, Even I started my career with mainframe but transformed later to ETL projects using Teradata. Currently I am completely into ETL and Warehousing eventhough all the projects made use of...
View ArticleSQL assistant vs BTEQ - response (26) by anubha_harrison
Hi Sreenivas, You can directly make use of Bteq scripts and execute it from your operating system (such as Windows and Unix). The output can be directed to the screen or to any output file. You dont...
View Articlestrtok_split_to_table support only Integer and does not support other data...
I have 2 questions regard to this function 1. Did this function able to support any Numeric and Character data type as it said in the SQL Function ... document? From the test, seem like the outkey...
View ArticleProblems using Teradata Parallel Transporter - response (2) by tt255009
Hi, I am trying to LOAD a table with the following TPT scripts. 1. ErrorLIMIT1 = 5 2. ErrorLIMIT2 = 5 3. Maxsessions = 1 4. Minsessions = 1 5. Loader_Instance = 1 I have...
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