I'm trying to install the Oracle UDFs from the oraudfs_v_4.zip download from Developer Exchange.
I getting a problem running the Perl script to replace the path location of the udf code.
set YOUR-PATH="my path"
perl -i.bak -p -e 's/\$PGMPATH\$/%YOUR-PATH%/add_months/g' add_months/add_months.btq
I have installed Perl on my Windows machine, and when run it creates the bak file (add_months.btq.bak), but it doesn't perform the subsitution. I can see that the add_months.btq file last modified timestamp is changing, but the subsitution is not occurring. I've tried a few things to simplify, but still no luck. As I don'y know Perl, is there something really simple that is wrong here. As oraudfs has been around for a while, I'm sure others must have got it to work.
I could do the replace manually for all the UDF's but would really like the Perl script to work.
Any help would be appreciated.