Recursive View - forum topic by msureshg
Hi, I am using a recursive view which is giving the chain of the managers to whom a particular Employee is reporting at various level. For Example:-Suppose the manager of Employee A is B and the...
View ArticleAbout Partitioned Primary Index (PPI) - forum topic by Kbos
Hi everyone.. Well, I have a table with the following structure and I need to add a new RANGE by adding the field People_Subscription_Start_DT: PARTITION BY RANGE_N (People_Subscription_Start_DT DATE...
View ArticleSecondary indexes - response (7) by Kbos
I agree Adeel. It depends how the table is gonna be accessed, in addition the fields you are crossing when creating the query...also if is a table that stores a lot should consider this and...
View Articleerror message "two different data types are being set" - documentation?...
This error typically occurs when using a PreparedStatement batch. The Teradata Database requires that all parameter values in batch that are bound to the same parameter marker must be the same data...
View ArticleJDBC - Converting from DB2 to Teradata - response (1) by tomnolan
Teradata does support the Read Uncommitted transaction isolation. You can specify Read Uncommitted transaction isolation for the Connection by calling:...
View ArticleUsing templates for operators provided in TPT - response (13) by TonyL
The "IGNORE DUPLICATE INSERT ROWS" DML option is in the wrong place. The "IGNORE DUPLICATE INSERT ROWS" DML option is after the DML expression. For example: APPLY CASE WHEN <search condition>...
View ArticleReg: Teradata Training - response (5) by rameshteradataexpert
Hi All, After getting so many requets,I have started taking online teradata sessions.If you are interested just let me know.I will provide real time scenarios/examples and enough material to read and...
View ArticleCasting in PPI definition - forum topic by Sen_td
View Article"From" clauses in Create database query. - response (4) by seahawkmehta
Hi denoth Thanks for your response.
View ArticleUsing templates for operators provided in TPT - response (14) by sahmed448
Thanks Tony, i am now getting the following error after applying the fixes:I have checked the input file and also the schema defination and they look good and number of columns etcc. matches.I cant get...
View Articleconvert string to date format - response (13) by usczeus
I'm trying to convert dates like this "Apr 7, 2013 8:28 PM" to date format, any suggestions?
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (54) by seahawkmehta
Hi Todd Can you please share the material to me at Thanks in advance.
View ArticleTeradata ODBC driver installation in Linux - forum topic by rajatsuvra
Hi, I need to connect , OBIEE RPD with teradata database. My OBIEE server is in Linux. I need to install ODBC driver for Teradata in Linux. I have downloaded the odbc software from...
View ArticleSecondary indexes - response (8) by Adeel Chaudhry
Also, SI will have some (may be very minor) performance impact as well while loading of data.
View ArticleTPT with named pipe - response (4) by vikas_yadav
did you exported the file from windows to linux or vice versa...? will get this type of error when file contians bad character like ^I,^M this usually happens when you transfer file in cross...
View ArticleAbout Partitioned Primary Index (PPI) - response (1) by vikas_yadav
hi, you do not need to add the field People_Subscription_Start_DT in PPI. yes you need PPI if you want to add range.
View ArticleLoad data into Teradata from SQL Server - response (1) by SuSeSi
You can use Teradata OLE DB Access Module to bulk copy data from Teradta to SQL Server or reverse. You can use GUI tool to setup batch process too.
View ArticleSecondary indexes - response (9) by vikas_yadav
you can use PPI also but for that you will need to create new table with PPI define on that and you have to do insert select from the old table to use will help you in future when you will run...
View Articleconvert string to date format - response (14) by Harpreet Singh
Use as below SELECT 'Apr 3, 2013 8:28 PM' AS COL1 , case when position( ',' in (substring(COL1 FROM POSITION('' IN COL1)+1 for 3) )) =2 then SUBSTRING(COL1 FROM 1 FOR POSITION('' IN COL1)-1)||'...
View ArticleActivity count zero for TPump UPDATE or DELETE - response (2) by Jessy Mahesh...
i have changed below two things 1) first change .DML LABEL LABELA MARK MISSING UPDATE ROWS ; 2) second change Error limt has been increased with 20 still we are facing below mentioned problem,...
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