Thanks Tony, i am now getting the following error after applying the fixes:I have checked the input file and also the schema defination and they look good and number of columns etcc. matches.I cant get pass this step now.
Any help will be appreciated.
TPT_INFRA: TPT04101: Warning: TMSM failed to initialize
Teradata Parallel Transporter Coordinator Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter Executor Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter Executor Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter Executor Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter Executor Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter DataConnector Version
FILE_READER: TPT19206 Attribute 'TraceLevel' value reset to 'MILESTONES'.
FILE_READER: TPT19206 Attribute 'TraceLevel' value reset to 'MILESTONES'.
Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator Version
FILE_READER Instance 1 directing private log report to 'dataconnector_log1-1'.
FILE_READER Instance 2 directing private log report to 'dataconnector_log1-2'.
UPDATE_OPERATOR: private log specified: update_log
FILE_READER: TPT19008 DataConnector Producer operator Instances: 2
FILE_READER: TPT19003 ECI operator ID: FILE_READER-4325460
FILE_READER: TPT19222 Operator instance 1 processing file '/whvm2etlhome/ddata/imx/imdb.dat'.
FILE_READER: TPT19012 No files assigned to instance 2. This instance will be inactive.
UPDATE_OPERATOR: connecting sessions
UPDATE_OPERATOR: preparing target table(s)
TPT_INFRA: TPT02255: Message Buffers Sent/Received = 0, Total Rows Received = 0, Total Rows Sent = 0
TPT_INFRA: TPT02255: Message Buffers Sent/Received = 0, Total Rows Received = 0, Total Rows Sent = 0
UPDATE_OPERATOR: TPT10508: RDBMS error 3857: Cannot use value (or macro parameter) to match ''Imdb_Cd''.
TPT_INFRA: TPT02255: Message Buffers Sent/Received = 0, Total Rows Received = 0, Total Rows Sent = 0
TPT_INFRA: TPT02255: Message Buffers Sent/Received = 0, Total Rows Received = 0, Total Rows Sent = 0
UPDATE_OPERATOR: disconnecting sessions
FILE_READER: TPT19221 Total files processed: 0.
UPDATE_OPERATOR: Total processor time used = '0.626918 Second(s)'
UPDATE_OPERATOR: Start : Mon Apr 29 15:57:57 2013
UPDATE_OPERATOR: End : Mon Apr 29 15:58:17 2013
Job step MAIN_STEP terminated (status 8)
Job terminated (status 8)
Total available memory: 10002340
Largest allocable area: 10002340
Memory use high water mark: 61216
Free map size: 1024
Free map use high water mark: 26
Free list use high water mark: 0
Thanks Tony, i am now getting the following error after applying the fixes:I have checked the input file and also the schema defination and they look good and number of columns etcc. matches.I cant get pass this step now.
Any help will be appreciated.
TPT_INFRA: TPT04101: Warning: TMSM failed to initialize
Teradata Parallel Transporter Coordinator Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter Executor Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter Executor Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter Executor Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter Executor Version
Teradata Parallel Transporter DataConnector Version
FILE_READER: TPT19206 Attribute 'TraceLevel' value reset to 'MILESTONES'.
FILE_READER: TPT19206 Attribute 'TraceLevel' value reset to 'MILESTONES'.
Teradata Parallel Transporter Update Operator Version
FILE_READER Instance 1 directing private log report to 'dataconnector_log1-1'.
FILE_READER Instance 2 directing private log report to 'dataconnector_log1-2'.
UPDATE_OPERATOR: private log specified: update_log
FILE_READER: TPT19008 DataConnector Producer operator Instances: 2
FILE_READER: TPT19003 ECI operator ID: FILE_READER-4325460
FILE_READER: TPT19222 Operator instance 1 processing file '/whvm2etlhome/ddata/imx/imdb.dat'.
FILE_READER: TPT19012 No files assigned to instance 2. This instance will be inactive.
UPDATE_OPERATOR: connecting sessions
UPDATE_OPERATOR: preparing target table(s)
TPT_INFRA: TPT02255: Message Buffers Sent/Received = 0, Total Rows Received = 0, Total Rows Sent = 0
TPT_INFRA: TPT02255: Message Buffers Sent/Received = 0, Total Rows Received = 0, Total Rows Sent = 0
UPDATE_OPERATOR: TPT10508: RDBMS error 3857: Cannot use value (or macro parameter) to match ''Imdb_Cd''.
TPT_INFRA: TPT02255: Message Buffers Sent/Received = 0, Total Rows Received = 0, Total Rows Sent = 0
TPT_INFRA: TPT02255: Message Buffers Sent/Received = 0, Total Rows Received = 0, Total Rows Sent = 0
UPDATE_OPERATOR: disconnecting sessions
FILE_READER: TPT19221 Total files processed: 0.
UPDATE_OPERATOR: Total processor time used = '0.626918 Second(s)'
UPDATE_OPERATOR: Start : Mon Apr 29 15:57:57 2013
UPDATE_OPERATOR: End : Mon Apr 29 15:58:17 2013
Job step MAIN_STEP terminated (status 8)
Job terminated (status 8)
Total available memory: 10002340
Largest allocable area: 10002340
Memory use high water mark: 61216
Free map size: 1024
Free map use high water mark: 26
Free list use high water mark: 0