how to set up an alert in Viewpoint or other means, if DBS is reset on its...
I'd suggest setting up a "System Health" alert under the Admin - Teradata Systems - Alerts - System Health. A related DevX article may also be worth reading:...
View ArticleCompression in Teradata - response (1) by KS42982
When you do INSERT-SELECT between 2 exact same tables then there is NO spool involved at all. That might be the reason when you match the datatype in table2 with table1, you do not get the spool space...
View ArticleTeradata Contract to Hire in South FL - forum topic by brettone2002
Brett Kohli Tekpartners (954)305-7423 Resumes to Requirements:• In-depth knowledge of Teradata technology• Extensive knowledge of data warehouse and BI techniques• Understand...
View ArticleOnly an ET or null statement is legal after a DDL Statement - response (2) by...
You wrote: "The SQL executes fine when run directly against the database using SQL Assistant." Try "Execute Parallel" (vs. "Execute") in SQL Assistant. "Execute Parallel" will fail in SQL Assistant....
View ArticleVisual Studio 2012 Server Explorer does not show Teradata provider - response...
.NET Data Provider for Teradata version 14.10 does not integrate with Visual Studio 2012.
View ArticleMetadata information for a view - forum topic by sam_dhse
If i query dbc.columns for a particular table within a database it gives me column data type with its length.However if i have a custom view that is build on top of lets suppose 2 tables and if i query...
View ArticleTPT wizard 13.10 and LDAP - forum topic by Harpreet Singh
Hi, Is there any way to login using LDAP on TPT wizard ver 13.10? Forums: Tools
View ArticleHow to Solve chinese confusion code in Teredata Result Set Viewer? - forum...
I'm trying to use the Teredata Studio,but the viewer can't display chinese fields correctly . Can somebody please help? thanks. Forums: Tools
View ArticleData movement across Terdata server - forum topic by meet_as
Hi Experts, Please offer your opinion on data movement across Teradata servers( for e.g. production to Test, TD 14 to TD 12/13 or vice versa) using TTU. If you have to rank the tool/technology from...
View Articlehow know the difference between compress table and general table ? - forum...
how know the difference between compress table and general table ?Forums: Database
View Articlehow know the table size ? - forum topic by sai_666
how know the table size ?Forums: Database
View ArticleFailure 7453 Interval field overflow - response (6) by Jessy Mahesh Kothapalli
Dear Diter, Thanks for your quick reply. i have been created UDF which you have posted for me, it is giving the results in seconds format as you said. after that i need to divided by 60, so that...
View Articlerow concatenation for dummies? AKA oracle wm_concat() teradata equivalent -...
View ArticleUpdate statement using self join - forum topic by arbiswas
Hi Experts, I hava an employee table which effective date and post effective date. post_eff_dt is next eff_dt for that employee. So if 31-jan-2013 is first row and 28-feb-2013 is second row then row...
View ArticleReg: Teradata Training - response (3) by sivakumar19
Hi, Any good TD training institutes in Bangalore?
View Articlehow know the table size ? - response (2) by mohan.mscss
sel * from dbc.tablesize where tablename='employee' and databasename='xxxx'
View ArticleUpdate statement using self join - response (1) by mohan.mscss
sel id,effdate, max(post_eff_date) over (partition by id, effdate) as postdate from tblname;
View ArticleHow to load Chinese Character in Mainframe(Zos) by using mload? - forum topic...
Hi all, The mainframe use EBCDIC and the field in teradata table is UNICODE. We load Chinese Character from mainframe to teradata table by using mload, but data is garbled. Can you provide any...
View ArticleWarning: EOF on INPUT stream - response (2) by MBR
Hi, Even there is Quit in my bteq script it is showing the same message(i.e *** Warning: EOF on INPUT stream) is there any other cause for this. Thanks Regards MBR
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