Is there a limitation on the Merge statement and Rank Function? - response...
As far as I remember the COLAESCE function causes problems in the joining condition in MERGE statement. Did you try without using the COALESCE statement?
View ArticleCASE statement inside Store Procedure - topic by JoeL 312
I have an insert statement: INSERT INTO tbl1 (Col1) SELECT CASE WHEN Col1 = 'a' THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END FROM tbl2; This works as expected. For every row in tbl2, 1 row...
View ArticleCASE statement inside Store Procedure - response (1) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
You will see this error normally when the SQL statement in the SP are not terminated with semicolon. Can you share the table ddl alongwith the SP definition to have a look as what could be missing....
View ArticleTPT OS COMMAND OPERATOR ISSUE - response (1) by feinholz
"cd" will not work. There is no context when sending operating system commands. The operator just issues the commands, but there is no shell from which these commands are being run or executed.
View ArticleStored Procedure Input Parameter Problem - topic by goldminer
I have created a basic stored procedure whose parameters are defined as: REPLACE PROCEDURE STORED_PROCS.SP_UPDATE_SAP_CTRL_TABLE read more
View ArticleTPT error in loading from an external file - response (1) by feinholz
Is there an end-of-record marker after the last data item in the last record?
View ArticleConvert integer to TIME - response (11) by ocirej23
Hi, I think this will work: SELECT CAST(TRIM(CAST(1256 AS CHAR(4))||'00') AS TIME(0) FORMAT 'HHMISS'); Output: ----------- 12:56:00 HTH Cheers, Eco
View ArticleUser SQL runtime - response (2) by sachin.sebastian
Yes, DBC.DBQLogTbl or VIEW DBC.Qrylog is what will help you. For more info, refer this thread: query-reponse-time
View ArticleFORMAT symbol - response (1) by tdice
i also want to know about this formatting symbol meaning. Any help?
View ArticleHow to check which data has an error - topic by quest
I am using Fast load script to load close to 7 million records into a Teradata table. Around 1k records are getting into error table (err1). I am not able to figure out which record has erroneous...
View ArticleUser SQL runtime - response (3) by hpscheepers
Thanks Sachin. This what I needed to know. Kind regs, H
View ArticleHow to extract column names from a table using Teradata SQL - response (2) by...
Could you plz tell me how to create nickname for a database in teradata
View ArticleDoes COMPRESS help performance? - topic by sachin.sebastian
Does Sql have better performance if columns have COMPRESS? If so how does COMPRESS help the performance? Is it because of lesser Spool space?
View ArticleFORMAT symbol - response (2) by rajeev saravanan
Hi, Hope this helps I - Represents the number of characters needed to display the INTEGER portion of numeric data. In the case of a DEC(10,2) data type, I is equivalent to 9(8). N - Represents FULL...
View ArticleHow to check which data has an error - response (1) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
err1 table is created for any translation errors or constraint violations, a row containing the wrong data type would be captured in err1 table. You need to see whether the casting of the records in...
View ArticleHow to extract column names from a table using Teradata SQL - response (3) by...
You can create the alias names for the tables/views in SQL statement but not for the database...
View Articlesubstring() on huge text column - topic by hpscheepers
Hi I tried searching the forums, but I cannot find the "search" option on the site. My problem: I am using Teradata v13 and I need to do a substring on a huge text column. The table DBC.DBQLSqlTbl has...
View Articlesubstring() on huge text column - response (1) by sachin.sebastian
It would be easier to export the required columns from dbc.dbqlsqltbl into a file; and then use grep /awk in Unix to extract in the required format
View Articlesubstring() on huge text column - response (2) by hpscheepers
Thank you for getting back to me Sachin. Exporting to Unix would be easier, but unfortunately I need to run my script through Cognos Report Studio via tabular SQL. My reporting requirement is to match...
View ArticleCreating a view from multiple tables in SQL 2012 - topic by jstrack13
Hello, I am very green in SQL and am trying to create a view from multiple tables in SQL. I do not what the common columns to be duplicated in the view. I have seen some syntax statements that show...
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