Oracle numeric data type equivalent on Teradata. - response (3) by dnoeth
Hi Ashish, in TD14 there's a new NUMBER datatype similar to Oracle's. FLOAT is not rounding to two decimals, this is just a display problem: you probably used SQL Assistant for testing and there's an...
View ArticleTeradata TPT Script - response (20) by ericsun2
Would you please share a code snippet of using %INCLUDE? I can't seem to find it in any TPT documents so far.
View ArticleOracle numeric data type equivalent on Teradata. - response (4) by AshishPatil
Thanks Dieter, We are migrating to TD13.10. We are thinking to replace NUMBER as DECIMAL(38,14) in teradata, is it good idea to replicate same as Oracle? or should we first analyse data for max...
View ArticleOracle numeric data type equivalent on Teradata. - response (5) by dnoeth
Of course you should analyse the actual data, the one-size-fits-all approach of NUMBER is for lazy Oracle programmers who don't want to think about the data. And don't forget to analyse the Oracle DATE...
View ArticleOracle numeric data type equivalent on Teradata. - response (6) by AshishPatil
Thank you very much for quick response Dieter, Regarding DATE columns, yes we have already addressed that one by making Oracle DATE columns(Has date, time and AM/PM ) as TIMESTAMP(24 hrs) in teradata...
View ArticleImporting delimiter text file!!!!!!!! - response (8) by MA255022
I'm not aware of any text qualifier in the BTEQ utility, you may need to substitue the delimiters within data with something else. On a UNIX/Linux machine, I would do this like: .OS mv fileName...
View ArticleHello, I am preparing for the teradata basic certification and I want the...
Thank you dnoeth and KS42982:)
View ArticleCalulation of duration in time format. - topic by tejasmore
Hi, I am having a table, which looks like below: create table activity_time ( read more
View ArticleCompression - BLC and MVC - response (1) by dnoeth
You will notice that BLC + MVC is not saving much additional diskspace compared to BLC. But you should still do MVC because BLC data is uncompressed in spool and for backups whereas MVC keeps...
View ArticleCalulation of duration in time format. - response (1) by dnoeth
I assume you're using SQL Assistant and an ODBC connection. You should get an error message "5407 Invalid operation for DateTime". Do a SHOW TABLE and check if the columns are INT instead of TIME. To...
View ArticleSQL Assistant 13 not importing from txt file saved from Excel - topic by...
All, I have upgraded my sql assistant to 13 and I am unable to import a data file that I save as a tab delimited file from Excel 2010, I always get the error that the "query contains # parameters but...
View Articleteradata schema workbench help - response (5) by bs520147
Hello, I have a similar problem with Teradata Schema Workbench, when I select the option 'Repository/Connect to Database System' and I select an ODBC connection the program give me the following error...
View Articleteradata schema workbench help - response (6) by bs520147
I have 2 Databases: BIM_REPOSITORY (created by olapuser) olapdb (created by olapuser). In this Database I have only a Table: planta_adsl (the fact table). I have 2 users: olapuser : This user has 3...
View ArticleNumber of seconds elapsed since beginning of day - topic by dlabar
I have a timestamp with time zone field and I would like to get the number of seconds that have elapsed from the start of that day. This seems like it should be very trivial but I've searched for...
View ArticleTeradata TPT Script - response (21) by feinholz
Well, you could do this: DEFINE JOB <name> ( %INCLUDE '<schema file name>'; . . . . ); However, the DEFINE SCHEMA syntax I gave you should work just fine. And if your schema...
View ArticleTPT script to move data from table to file - response (2) by candy528
Hi Feinholz, I have to write a TPT script in UNIX which will export data from teradata and write into file using dataconnector operator. Can i export data from a view in teradata? Also what is a...
View ArticleTPT script to move data from table to file - response (3) by feinholz
Yes, you can export data from a view (it might depend on which operator you use for that, you will have to check the documentation). Yes, you can execute TPT by calling it from a shell script. You do...
View ArticleOracle Connect by Equivalent function in Teradata - response (1) by Qaisar...
I believe that in Oracel START WITH... CONNECT BY clause is used to select the hierarichal data. Teradata doesn't support this clause but you can achieve similar functionality by writing Recursive...
View ArticleNumber of seconds elapsed since beginning of day - response (1) by dnoeth
The number of seconds is extract(hour from ts) * 3600 + extract(minute from ts) * 60 + extract(second from ts) Dieter
View ArticleNumber of seconds elapsed since beginning of day - response (2) by dlabar
This will work: SELECT extract(hour from tswtz)*60*60 + extract(minute from tswtz)*60 + extract(second from tswtz) s0 FROM tbl...but I thought there must be a more elegant method (such as one cast...
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