How to convert Ordinal (Julian) Date to Calendar Date - response (7) by CarlosAL
Sorry for jumping in. Been tehre, done that. Wrote about the whole thing here: (in spanish, as usual). HTH. Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleTeradata Express for WIN 32 BIT - response (7) by Harpreet Singh
I checked it, its not there.
View ArticleInterpretation of MaxAMPCPUTime and MinAMPCPUTime and difference between two...
Hello, If a query runs and shows following two values. MaxAMPCPUTime = 265.968 MinAmpCPUTime = 245.072 Can one conclude that difference between these two is small i.e. ~ 20. It is less than 10% of...
View ArticleHow to convert Ordinal (Julian) Date to Calendar Date - response (8) by Ekladios
Many thanks Dieter, I never asked for your crystal ball or expect you to waist your time, I just posted a question and you replied to it. Thanks, Adel
View ArticleWhy Teradata use sub-table for Secondary Index - response (4) by savitha.21
When primary index is there why do we go for secondary index?
View ArticleWhy Teradata use sub-table for Secondary Index - response (6) by savitha.21
What is meant by join index?? can yu explain with an example?
View ArticleHow to convert Ordinal (Julian) Date to Calendar Date - response (9) by Ekladios
The julian date, 44712, received in the data file was an error. It was corrected later on by the vendor. The formula I used, was posted earlier, is SELECT CAST ( '1899-12-31' AS DATE ) + CAST ( xxxxx...
View ArticleTeradata connectivity to Jaspersoft iReport & server - topic by bhavikumehta
Hi, Please let me know if Teradata can be used as a data source; if yes then how to connect Jaspersoft to Teradata. Thanks!
View ArticleHow to convert Ordinal (Julian) Date to Calendar Date - response (10) by...
I found this formula that works with future dates: SELECT TRIM ( TO_DATE ( CAST ( 2415020 + CAST ( xxxxxx AS INT ) AS CHAR(7) ) , 'J' ) ) Adel
View Articlehow to logon to bteq - response (12) by pravenkat9
Hi cheeli, There are two modes you can login through Bteq. Interactive mode - .logon localtd/tduser <press enter> Passoword: <tduser> Note: tduser is the default userid created along with...
View ArticleTeradata Parallel Transporter Issue - response (4) by Roopalini
Hi Steve, I have another question. Do we have a 64 bit version of Teradata parallel Transporter? The one I have installed requires a 32 bit JRE and so I am having issues making the other Teradata...
View ArticleHow to lock set of tables used by Particular Session (Session Level...
Is it possible to lock the tables used in the session with below statements for reading and writing and maintain integrity at session level? LOCK Table table1 for WRITE; LOCK Table table2 for WRITE;...
View ArticleSkewness of SPs in Teradata - topic by Kishore_1
What is the skewness of a stored procedure in Teradata? I am getting the Skew factor close to 100 (~99) for SPs in Teradata. The database only contains SPs.Is it that SPs are stored AMP local and...
View ArticleWhat is dynamic sql - response (5) by kuntal.h.shah
Hi, I am using dynamic SQL to do the update. I face difficulty when I want to filter my query using any string. For example - where attribute1 = 'ABC' - It doesn't allow that and consider ABC as a...
View ArticleExamples of writing prepared statements in CLIv2 - response (5) by Tuen
Thanks Tom, will have the developer look at that sample as well as start exploring the feasbility to switch to ODBC.
View ArticleTeradata Parallel Transporter - RDBMS error 3862 - topic by smalgaonkar
Hi Forum I am using TPT utility(13.10) from within the Business Objects Data Services (v14). It creates the batch file and control file to run the utility commands. I have tried to tlogview the log...
View ArticleSkew Factor of Input and Output Tables of a Query - topic by nyemul
Hi Question) Is it a a good idea to identify skew factor of input tables of a query before executing the same, especially for large data? Question) If yes what is threshold beyond which skew factor is...
View Articleregarding learning teradata basics - response (11) by savitha.21
Hi, this is savitha.. am new to teradata.. can i kno some links of online materials for teradata?
View ArticleWhat is dynamic sql - response (6) by Harpreet Singh
use two single quote on each side as below =''ABC'' HTH Harpreet
View ArticleHelp: Stream SQL-MR using Python. - topic by olops0000
Hi, I'm a Python dev for the past couple of years and connecting to PostgreSQL using the psycopg2 module. Now, I'm using Teradata Aster, as my training, I tried creating a simple sql-mr function using...
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