Trimming Inner Spaces - response (6) by mohan.mscss
Here is with recursive function.... Just change this 1234567890 as what we need to replace in a string with recursive r2(id, st, L, c, rstr) as ( sel id,str as st, char(st) as L, 1 as c, trim(case when...
View ArticleMultiload data from a table to another - response (1) by sin
Multiload behaviour is the same. To release lock in Multiload you can use command RELEASE MLOAD (I can't remember exactly command syntaxis now). Or you can run empty multyoad/fastload task - without...
View ArticleFilter consecutive records that have same value as preceding record -...
Here it is... sel csum(1,c1) ,con_rec.* ,min(c2) over (rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding) as a , min(c3) over (rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding) as b ,case when c2=a and c3=b then...
View ArticleLeft outer join with a NULL value - response (2) by Fred
Using your simplified example above, I get three rows returned as expected - though of course the answer set has six columns instead of 5 because column A.A and B.A are both included. Perhaps you need...
View ArticleForms/Web Applications to enter Comments/Text to Database - response (5) by...
i want to insert the data using bteq script that table having the date column as current date how to insert in script
View ArticleOracle Replay feature in Teradata? - response (1) by CarlosAL
Steven: You may take a look at Teradata System Emulation Tool. HTH. Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleFlasback Facility - response (1) by CarlosAL
Steven: You could implement the Oracle 'flashback query' (SELECT ... FROM ... AS OF <TIMESTAMP> ) with Teradata Temporal. HTH Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleSQL Query Tunning - response (7) by yaragalaramesh
Hi Dieter, i have a query like as follows SELECT c.unit_num ,c.trans_end_dt ,c.Coupon_cd AS Coupon_cd ,COUNT(DISTINCT Loyalty_Member_Id ) AS "Customer count" ,SUM(Net_Sales_Amt) AS Sales...
View ArticleJDBC DatabaseMetadata.getColumns Seems Slow - response (8) by RainerKopp
Hello, we have a similar issue with Java & Teradata: * We use the current JDBC Teradata 14 driver * we want to read the table meta data using getColumns(null, schema, table, "%"); Using our...
View ArticleHow strip of the non numeric data from VARCHAR field - response (1) by CarlosAL
Raj: Under certain circumstances you could try something like this: HTH. Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleDBA password recovery / DBA password recovery from OS / any way to recovery...
Hi there, Is there any way to recovery password for sysdba in Teradata from filesystem? As far as I know, there is option like this in Oracle where Oracle user can enter the database as sysadmin...
View ArticleJDBC DatabaseMetadata.getColumns Seems Slow - response (9) by tomnolan
If your application does not need all the information provided by DatabaseMetaData.getColumns, then your application can query the Data Dictionary views directly. Regarding support, if you are a...
View ArticleCasting a datetime to date and to character - topic by SofiaVer
Hi all, I am a total newbie at Teradata, and i have to write a query that I can't easily test on a Teradata system (someone else is running the query for me, it takes weeks for them to get back to me...
View ArticleJDBC DatabaseMetadata.getColumns Seems Slow - response (10) by RainerKopp
Thanks a lot, we ll write own SQL for reading meta data.
View ArticleOracle Replay feature in Teradata? - response (2) by sfhall
Thanks Carlos I will do. Steven
View ArticleFlasback Facility - response (2) by sfhall
Again, thank you Carlos. I have a look. Steven
View ArticleCHAR PARTITION (TD - topic by surapurajurp
HI Teradata Gurus, We tried to implementing CHAR PARTITION using CASE one a table. The optimizer is using the partition in explain plan but there is NO Major change in resource usage(CPU/Spool/ I/O)....
View ArticleCHAR PARTITION (TD - response (1) by surapurajurp
As per my understanding, when data retrieving from partition then the resource usage should come down compare to compare to full table scan. But this is not happening in this case. If anyone had...
View ArticleHow do I pass a DYNAMIC RESULT SET back to Visual Basic ? - topic by gpolanch
Hello, I see that a stored procedure can pass a cursor back to a calling application by using a DYNAMIC RESULT SET. My calling app is Visual Basic, and I can not find any info on how to do this from...
View ArticleUsing Named Parameters from SQL Server Reporting Services - response (2) by...
I have the same need too. This impacts all the uses of the .net driver, not just reporting services.
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