Error Code 3807 not working even if .Label - response (2) by nileshbhaw
Thanks a lot Fred:)
View ArticleCasting in case statement - forum topic by nileshbhaw
Hi , I am trying to cast date to default values inside the case statement , Select CAST (CASE WHEN OFR_STRT_DT='1900-01-01' THEN ‘NA’ ELSE OFR_STRT_DT END as varchar (10) ) as OFR_STRT_DTFrom...
View ArticleCasting in case statement - response (1) by dnoeth
You need to cast only the date not the case:CASE WHEN OFR_STRT_DT='1900-01-01' THEN ‘NA’ ELSE CAST (OFR_STRT_DT as varchar (10) ) END as OFR_STRT_DT Dieter
View ArticleCounting Records Through Multiple Date Ranges - forum topic by bdburch1
I am pretty new to teradata and know some basic SQL but I find that I am struggling with this problem. I need to count the number of records for total sales and cash sales according to what quarter...
View ArticleTeradata connection Error - forum topic by asridhar7
Hi, i am trying to connect to Teradata using JDBC from my Linux server using Pentaho and i get the following error. can you please help GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism...
View ArticleSeeking information on Teradata database compatibility with JRE - forum topic...
We are using Teradata database 12 as our production database and as part of policy we are required to see if we can upgrade JRE to 1.7 I have seen prior posts for Teradata database compatibility...
View Articlefastload errors with define delimiters. - response (3) by ThomasNguyen
Hi, You use: SET RECORD VARTEXT "|"; Your DEFINE command looks like you want to use UNFORMATTED :-(. If you DEFINE command as kusumayella provided, it should work! Please read the FastLoad manual for...
View ArticleSeeking information on Teradata database compatibility with JRE - response...
The Teradata JDBC Driver Supported Platforms matrix is available here on Developer Exchange as part of the Teradata JDBC Driver Reference....
View ArticleTeradata connection Error - response (1) by tomnolan
The Troubleshooting section of the Teradata JDBC Driver Reference discusses that exception, and the possible causes....
View Articlewhat does UTY8709 mean in fastexport. - response (1) by ThomasNguyen
The message UTY8709 means UTY8709 Restart in progress, processing for this FastExport task has already been completed. Explanation: Informational message. Generated By: EXPORT Remedy: None.
View ArticleUpdate statement with left outer join in from clause. - response (2) by...
Hi Dieter, This is from SQL server. I typed sql wrong while trying to remove some reference. It is actually Update Staging.CDD_TodayCDD_CountryRisk Set ABC_Risk = Case When b.BRANCH_RISK_FACTOR =...
View ArticleAWT: Amp Worker Tasks used by Utilities - forum topic by niranjan_nr000
Hi All, Could anyone help me out on how many AWTS are used by the below utilities: 1) BTEQ 2) Fast Load 3) MultiloadTags: awtAmp Worker Tasks used by UtilitiesForums: General
View ArticleTo Eliminate Non-ASCII column Value records and to Filter control characters...
Hi Dnoeth, How are you ?I need some help from your side...Reg :Unprintable characters in Teradata database version 12. If possible can you please share your mail id ,then i will send my problem with...
View ArticleSequnce generated column in Volatile table - response (2) by bala2121
Hi Dieter, they are Insert/selects only.. Selecting from some other source table. I want to convert a sybase code into TD. In sybase that source table itself is having the rowid based on the order of...
View ArticleCHECKTABLE Utility Run - forum topic by Kishore_1
While running CHECKTABLE, it is skipping checking of unhashed tables,fastpath UDMs. What is a fastpath UDM ? Why CHECKTABLE is skipping these(unhashed tables/fastpath UDMs)?Tags: checktablefastpath...
View ArticleSequnce generated column in Volatile table - response (3) by Harpreet Singh
Hi, You can keep on increasing rowid column with this method. INSERT INTO table2 SEL (SEL MAX(rowidcol) AS mx FROM table2) + ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY col2) AS idval, col2, col3 FROM table1...
View ArticleApplications configuration - response (2) by ilf
If a node is down. Put the ip of the available nodes. You would be able to connect to the system.
View ArticleApplications configuration - response (3) by Shelley
If you define a DNS name which points to all three IP's then you can use one name to always log on to the system. Even when one node is down
View Articleinterview help - response (5) by balu_td
Hi, please forward to the Thanks
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