Teradata DBA Traninig in Hyderabad? - response (53) by Narasapalli dinesh
Hi, Any good class room training institue to learn teradata(devlop track) in hyderabad.. Please update me.. Thanks N.Dinesh.
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (88) by Grace2013
Hi Todd, Could you pls send the TD study material that you have. anfuju@cn.ibm.com Thanks & Regards, Grace An
View ArticleDetermine number working day between two dates - response (5) by VBurmist
Hi Dieter, thank you for providing the equi-joins option, it's really cool! With kind regards, Vlad.
View ArticleTeradata Optimization for large table(20 billion rows) - forum topic by...
Hi Guys, We are currently processing a table with a maximum of 8 billion rows were the first table is around 1.7 billion records and joined to 17,000 rows in which min and sum aggregations are being...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (89) by srini235
Hi Todd, Could you please send the TeraData study material that you have to the following mailID.srinivasaraju.mca@gmail.com. Thanks Srini K.
View ArticlePrecision error in FLOAT type constant or during implicit conversions -...
We would need more information to help you. Please post the complete exception stack trace, the query SQL text, the DDL for any tables and/or other database objects that the query references, and the...
View ArticleSELECT INTO Global Temporary Table within Stored Procedure using dynamic SQL...
Hi there, I'm pretty new to the forums so if this is answered elsewhere feel free to point me in the right direction. I am trying to create flexible stored procedures which take strings that correspond...
View ArticleSELECT INTO Global Temporary Table within Stored Procedure using dynamic SQL...
I believe it is this step that is not allowed in a stored procedure. This is an excerpt from the dynamic SQL: INSERT INTO gttBirthdate SELECT B.plan, B.membernumber, A.birthdate FROM ' ||...
View ArticleData Labs Usernames - response (2) by jlb
This is most clever. Thinking a little more about what Data Labs does, this is a necessary quality. Thanks
View ArticleXML Services on Express 14.0 -- trouble in install - response (5) by...
I ran the XML 14.0 install on Teradata Express 14.0 Using the above workarounds the install went to completion. With one exception, that is. The ./lib directory did not contain the four .so files so...
View ArticleCOALESCE in create table? - forum topic by sunis12
Hi, Can someone please table whether we can provide coalesce for a column while creating table. I have seen cases where you select using coalesce but could not find anywhere within create table...
View ArticleErroring out while unzipping td-express- - response (4) by...
Thanks Fred, it worked. I missed it earlier
View ArticleInconsistent Date format in a Database - forum topic by Abhi93
Hi, Same table created by different users in same database have different date format ie. One has YYYY-MM-DD and other YY/MM/DD. Is this due to table def stored on a different AMP with different date...
View Articlealter table modify primary index to unique primary index - response (6) by...
HI Dieter, Could you please explain on your comment. As if in any case we have to have the table empty then there is no use of these workarounds. Please confirm the steps. I have created the table...
View ArticleCOALESCE in create table? - forum topic by sunis12
Hi, Can someone please table whether we can provide coalesce for a column while creating table. I have seen cases where you select using coalesce but could not find anywhere within create table...
View ArticleCOALESCE in create table? - response (1) by VBurmist
Hi, there is a DEFAULT attibute for columns to provide a default value, if that's what you need. With kind regards, Vlad.
View ArticleInconsistent Date format in a Database - response (1) by VBurmist
Hi, SHOW TABLE command can show the format of date columns for a table. For each table it is the same on all AMPs. Another story is that when users selects data from the table, then the format can...
View ArticleHow to load EBCDIC file to db using TPT? - response (1) by Marcus1
Hi, did you succeed yet? I'm trying to to the same thing, but I keep on getting the same weird TPT error. This is what I did: I wrote a TPT test script that successfully loads 2 columns. Now according...
View ArticleCompression on Indexes - response (5) by ilf
Hi , Can we apply compression on a partitioning column that is not part of the PI.? Thnx, Irfan
View ArticleMERGE vs UPSERT - response (10) by super25
How can i do an upsert into teradata table(DEV) by comparing PRD table. Looking for a way to synch DEV table to PRD table and make them identical as there are some changes made to the existing records...
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