User that executes a sql statement - forum topic by lucas.stizza
Hi, I'd like to know if i can capture the user that executes a query. I'm using a variable to capture the error on a statement (:SQLCode), but I need to know the user that has excecuted the query....
View ArticleResources for modeling for SNOMED CT - forum topic by HC-LDM
Here are links to two very good technical resources for SNOMED CT. I referenced them extensively when modeling SNOMED in the Teradata Healthcare data model (HC-LDM.) Technical Implementation Guide for...
View ArticleTIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE, space between seconds and timezone, need to...
I’m trying to extract the Time zone offset from a TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE column. I’ll call the column ‘EVENT_DTSZ’ The values in the column ‘EVENT_DTSZ’ follows like ‘03/03/2013 8:00:00 -06:00’...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (83) by Rajeshpkl
Hi, Last three weeks I spending with my full time to find the Teradata materials the internet. But I couldn't find materials. Kindly I request you, if you have materails related with Teradata please...
View ArticleSynchronized scanning - response (7) by AdamL
So, does this mean both the tables will be undergo a Full table Scan? Also, will the scanning of rows will be Row Hash scan or All rows scan?
View ArticleControl characters in BTEQ output - forum topic by bikky6
Control characters in Unix file from BTEQ script.Moreover,control characters are common in the file I have the below data in the table KVB empno,ename,gender 1,BHARATH,M 2,VENKAT,M 3,RADHA,F #!/bin/ksh...
View ArticleUser that executes a sql statement - response (1) by dnoeth
The built-in function USER returns the current user. Dieter
View ArticleControl characters in BTEQ output - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi KVB, you're exporting in binary format, the control chars are 2-byte SMALLINTs for the rcord length and the varchar length, try EXPORT REPORT instead. Dieter
View ArticleTIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE, space between seconds and timezone, need to...
The returned value has an unusual format, if it was formatted by TD there would be a leading zero before the hour. What's your client tool/connectivity? Did you check the FORMAT of EVENT_DTSZ? A blank...
View ArticleControl characters in BTEQ output - response (2) by SuSeSi
Just use ".export file=sha.txt" instead of ".export data file=sha.txt". See bteq manual on more details of the syntax being used in your script.
View ArticleViewpoint initiation: creation of multiple users - response (2) by Michaelcanady
thanks for sharing the article it was really a helpful one to understand the my queries portlet
View ArticleTPT: system variables with result count - response (11) by teradata12
Thanks Tony... It worked for me after providing the TdpId attributes. Actually it was a typo, and it was TpdId.
View ArticleControl characters in BTEQ output - response (3) by bikky6
Thanks for your inputs.I got the below output. EMPNO ENAME GENDER ----------- -------------------- ------ 2 BHARATH M 1 VENKAT...
View ArticleDivision of two integers - forum topic by bikky6
Hi Below things wonder me.When I perform SEL (100.00/210.00) GIVES 0.48 But if perform SEL (29781215.00/29894915.00) gives 1.00 instead of 0.99 Then i did in the below way.It worked SEL 100*...
View ArticleDivision of two integers - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi KVB, these are not Integers, but Decimals. Decimals get rounded and the result of your division is 0.9961966775955041..., which is correctly rounded to 1.00. Dieter
View ArticleControl characters in BTEQ output - response (4) by dnoeth
Hi KVB, you have to TRIM/CONCAT on your own: select trim(ename) || '|' || trim(empno) || '|' || gender (title '') from kvb; And don't forget COALESCE when there are NULLable columns :-) Dieter
View ArticleDivision of two integers - response (2) by bikky6
Oh sorry.Yes the yare decimals.Then also for the first query it is not being rounded off and for the second one it is being rounded.Here is the confusion arised for me. KVB
View ArticleTDLOAD error RDBMS Warning: 6813 Numeric overflow in internal counters. -...
Hi all, I'm currently testing TTU 14.00 and experienced an issue when using tdload to move a table (5.3b rows, 600gb) from one system to another. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if the table load actually...
View ArticleDivision of two integers - response (3) by dnoeth
Hi KVB, the first dvision is also rounded: SEL (100.00/210.00) = 0.476190476190476 When you add/substract/divide two decimals the resulting precision is the higher of the two operands, e.g. dec(a,b) +...
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