.NET - Has anyone tried to make NHibernate work with Teradata? - forum topic...
I am working on a small development project and trying to port a SQL Server .NET to Teradata. It utilizes the NHibernate add-on to handle the mapping between the database and POCO classes. I saw some...
View ArticleData Distribution Skew - response (9) by Shelley
Hi Nishant, if a table is small then you do not need to worry about skew. It is unavaidable to have some skew and you do not need to worry about measuring it until you have at least several thousand...
View ArticleHow to INPUT values from table into Stored Procedure - response (2) by...
It will be great , if you share the solution here.
View ArticleNo menu bar in SQL Assistant 14.01 - forum topic by YHKim
I have installed the SQL Assistant 14.01. After that, I customised the menu. I continuously removed the menu bar. Finally my SQL Assistant 14.01 have no menu bar. I tried to install the SQL Assistant...
View ArticleProduct join and data redistribution - response (2) by mukesh.kumar
This is the formula to get product join indicator , Case when TotalIOCount = 0 then 0 else (AMPCPUTime * 1000)/TotalIOCount End Can somebody help me understand why AMPCPUTIME gets multiplied by 1000...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (75) by sajid_umar
hi todd, can yo send it to rayyan.sajid@gmail.com Thanks
View ArticleNeed more information about the temporary data retrival of TERADATA views -...
I knew that TD Views aren't materialized,but, when we query a View where does the temporary data storage happens either in spool or in Temporary space? Please guide me here!Forums: Database
View ArticleNo menu bar in SQL Assistant 14.01 - response (1) by RickSRose
I had the same problem last year. You need to delete the Toolbars.config file from \Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Teradata\SQL Assistant. On my Windows 7 latptop it is:...
View ArticleSelect query works but create/replace view doesn't work - forum topic by ssaha
Hello All, I am new to Teradata. I encountered a weird error and I am not sure about the cause of this error. I am trying to build a view using some select statement. Pasted below is the select...
View ArticleTypes of locks during Fastload abort-? - forum topic by Nishant.Bhardwaj
Hi All, Have a doubt in my mind, just want to clear it regarding the types of locks applied during fast load abort case and why is it different from that of multiload normally based on the phase in...
View ArticleNeed more information about the temporary data retrival of TERADATA views -...
the result set from the view and anything that happens during the processing of the view (aggregations, etc) go into spool. -- Shelley
View ArticleCLI0032 Invalid parcel size field from DBC - forum topic by AM001
Hi I am running the following SP using BTEQ and i am getting the following error. Is any one aware of why this type of error occurs? CALL SP_DB.TPT_MAINTENANCE('D', 20120701, 'L',...
View Articlebteq .logon error - response (2) by devdb@tableausoftware.com
Thanks Dieter. I was just trying to run some insert statements as a script from bteq. ie $>bteq < /tmp/script #script .logon localhost/dbc,dbc database test; insert table (...) values...
View ArticleRunnig multiple queries through MS Excel uusing ODBC DSN - response (2) by...
Hi Fred, I am also facing a problem while executing sql through excel. I have a query that uses pdcrinfo dbql views- dbqllogtbl_hst and dbqlsqltbl_hst. I have just one select statement. When i run this...
View ArticleExecute sql through excel vba - forum topic by teradatauser2
Hi , I am also facing a problem while executing sql through excel. I have a query that uses pdcrinfo dbql views- dbqllogtbl_hst and dbqlsqltbl_hst. I have just one select statement. When i run this...
View ArticleDerived Tables - forum topic by TDW
Hi, I am still new to TD (9 months) but am getting more involved with writing code instead of making simple changes. I am sure this question has been asked before, but I was unable to find an absolute...
View ArticleData From Vendor Changes - response (3) by TDW
My apologies for not responding sooner. I have not receiving emails when a member comments on my posts. Also, I apologize for the cryptic nature of my question and sample data. I work in a highly...
View ArticleStored Procedure error reporting - forum topic by ljdenning
Does anyone know if there is a way to trap/display line numbers from stored procedures during execution errors (much in the way that a line number is displayed during a compile error)? I don’t see...
View ArticleObtain partition count (including non-empty) for PPI and MLPPI tables - forum...
Client would like to obtain a count of currently defined partitions for PPI and MLPPI tables, including non-empty partitions. SELECT COUNT DISTINCT on PARITITION column only returns a count of...
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