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partition question - topic by teradatauser2

Hi, I have a table tab1 with partition on a integer type column col with partition defn PARTITION BY RANGE_N(col BETWEEN 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,6 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,15 ,16 ,17 ,18 ,21 ,23 ,24 ,25  AND 26 ,...

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"Invalid date supplied for" error - response (3) by stani75

reminder : the issue comes up only with the prompt. When I write the date (eg 2012/09/09 or 09-09-2012, I tried different formats) directly in the SQL code, all is OK. My WHERE clause is like that in...

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BTEQ data format question/DATE format issue - response (1) by In2Art

Is there a way (using BTEQ) to tell Teradata to ignore the "-"'s in the num2 field? I am thinking of a different approach...loading data straight into a formatted table. Would I be able to load...

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Need template of BTeq with user defined variables in Unix - topic by gouse1224

Hi All, I am in need of a template of a Bteq where in we can use User defined variables (like we use in Stored Procedure). I need to create it in Unix platform. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Gouse

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BTEQ data format question/DATE format issue - response (2) by dnoeth

Hi Linda, you need all VarChars plus VarText format and then you simply cast to the appropriate datatype. Teradata is doing automatic type casts, but you might have to specify a FORMAT. The string with...

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"Invalid date supplied for" error - response (4) by dnoeth

I don't know how to fix this error, but you might try changing the parameter type from DATE to STRING and let do Teradata the cast. I don't know how this is specified in Access (i don't use Access),...

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BTEQ data format question/DATE format issue - response (3) by Ashwin

HI , I want to cast 9999-12-31 23:59:59 as timestamp but when i try using the following query i get Invalid timestamp error is there anyway i can cast this particular date as timestamp   Thanks in...

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partition question - response (1) by robpaller

What do your table statistics look like?   Generally an inequality condition is going to result in a FTS.

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"Invalid date supplied for" error - response (5) by Ashwin

Hi, I want to cast the TIMESTAMP '9999-12-31 11:59:59' as timestamp but it says invalid date supplied sel CAST('9999-12-31 23:59:59' as TIMESTAMP) but when i tried this sel CAST('9999-12-31 17:59:59'...

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How to Use Round Function In Teradata - response (3) by maheshkumittal

Hello, 1. SELECT CAST((1.2435) AS DECIMAL (5,3)); result - 1.244 2. SELECT CAST((1.2445) AS DECIMAL (5,3)); result - 1.244 3. SELECT CAST((1.2455) AS DECIMAL (5,3)); result - 1.246 I expected the...

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partition question - response (2) by teradatauser2

yeah..i want to remove the inequality and put an in condition

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Viewpoint data collector - Lock Info error - topic by thompsonhab

I am trying to setup Viewpoint to capture locks. However, I get the following error as a ! within a red triangle. Unable to get lock information from dumplocklog utility! [Teradata Database] [TeraJDBC...

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Is mload delete faster than the Bteq delete? - topic by teradatauser2

Hi I have a situation i which i have to delete almost 98% data from a 3 TB table. I used bteq delete and had to abort it in between. This caused the table to go for a rollback that lasted for more than...

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How to Use Round Function In Teradata - response (4) by ulrich

The keyword is RoundHalfwayMagUp its a dbscontroll setting and defines how Teradata is handling the rounding. Default is FALSE from the manuals: Purpose Indicates how rounding should be performed when...

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Is mload delete faster than the Bteq delete? - response (1) by ulrich

Yes, it is faster due to the reason you already mentioned: It doesn't use a journal. It scans and deletes... But did you consider to 1. copy the 2% of data which remains into a new table 2. rename...

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Is mload delete faster than the Bteq delete? - response (2) by teradatauser2

    partition question Hi, I have a table tab1 with partition on a integer type column col with partition defn PARTITION BY RANGE_N(col BETWEEN 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,6 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,15 ,16 ,17 ,18 ,21...

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Insert select in Mload - response (13) by Satyaki.De

Guys,  I would like to know one thing. Generally, in other DB - DDL statement is faster than any other DML statment due to it's logging mechanism. So, if op's table can be dropped & recreate as any...

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Error Code 6706: The string contains an untranslatable character. - response...

Ulrich,  That did the trick. Yes, it comes out as UNICODE if you use COALESCE first and then CAST. If CAST first and then COALESCE , it is LATIN. I wonder why does it do that way implicitly. Does it...

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Viewpoint data collector - Lock Info error - response (1) by thompsonhab

I am now getting this message: Unable to get lock information from dumplocklog utility! *** Error - Logger was not activated. Q No rows have been inserted to table...

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Want Teradata SQL Tutorial - response (158) by TCPP-Admin

DevEx postings asking for certification material or dumps are inappropriate.  Please review the following security information to ensure compliance with the Teradata Certification Professional...

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