Avoid Error 3519 in stored procedure - forum topic by Sarah_07
Hi, I have a created a stored procedure with many volatile tables. After calling the proc, the volatile tables will be dropped at the end of the procedure. But if i get any error while calling the...
View ArticleLoad CLOB from Oracle - forum topic by marcog82
Hi, I want to load a table with CLOB field from Oracle to Teradata. I see the TPT Load but it works only if the CLOB is converted into VARCHAR. Are there other solutions using TPT LOAD? Thanks, Marco...
View ArticleMinimizing Redistribution - forum topic by UM
I have three tables A, B and C. Table B is a bridge/ relationship table having Ids from table A and C. A and B have the same primary index. Table C has a different primary index. I am joining them...
View ArticleMinimizing Redistribution - response (1) by sachin.sebastian
The optimizer is doing the B JOIN C first, probably because this will reduce the number rows upfront. Check the stats on the tables to confirm if they are up to date.
View ArticleTHow to terminate teradata stored procedure..? - forum topic by ashk660
Hi, I want to use this in Teradata Store procedure... If flag = 1 then goto LABEL_EXIT Else goto LABEL_OKAY END if flag is variable declared. I want to terminate my procedure if flag = 1... Teradata is...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (58) by sudhirkothem
Hi , I m sudhir ,New to Teradata can some one forward basic material and materials for Certifcation please . Thanks in Advance regards, sudhir
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (59) by sudhirkothem
Hi forgot to give my mails id :Sudhirkothem@gmail.com regards, Sudhir.k
View ArticleTHow to terminate teradata stored procedure..? - response (1) by barani_sachin
If u want to terminate your procedure Use "leave"ex -- Start of SP LABEL_OKAY:BEGIN If flag = 1 LEAVE LABEL_OKAY; --End of SP end LABEL_OKAY;-Barani
View ArticleIssue in calling SP through DataStage TD connector stage - forum topic by Vga
Experts, I am not sure, if I am putting this problem in the right forum. But just want to have some inputs from you:- I have created a Stored Proedure (takes a table name as an input parameter), which...
View ArticleCommand Help : Alter table modify column - response (10) by Shelley
Depending on what exactly you are trying to do, you can run an update to change values in the table. To change column format I would do an insert select from the old table into a new table with the new...
View ArticleSecondary indexes - response (11) by Shelley
Partitioned primary indexes are great for large tables where you consistently access the data by some type or range, ie day, week, month as an example. These will reduce full table scans especially if...
View ArticleCan Teradata display the Quarter value of a date? - forum topic by...
I have a date column called reporting period date and I only want to pull data from this table where reporting period date = Q1, Q2, etc... How would I format my reporting period date so that it...
View ArticleDBC.DBQLogtbl Application id meaning/definitions - response (3) by BMitchellTD
The "DB-" application IDs are Ab Initio loaders, I believe.
View ArticlePPI - forum topic by macktd
Hello Experts, Please help me I have problem with UPI, i defined UPI has customer_number,order_date. My questions: 1)Why PPI allows UPI for partition? 2)Here, Why order_date will allow dupulication?...
View ArticleCan Teradata display the Quarter value of a date? - response (1) by VandeBergB
Join your reporting date to the sys_calendar.calendar view and you can pull "quarter_of_year" from the system calendar. If you need to shift the QOY field to represent a fiscal or other operating...
View ArticleSecondary indexes - response (12) by VandeBergB
As was mentioned earlier, MLOAD supports NUSI's, but it won't support USI's...in that case you might look at other suggestions like Shelly's PPI input or drop and recreate as pre and post load sql
View ArticlePassword Age Alerting via Viewpoint Portlet - response (1) by gryback
The Viewpoint best practices and majority of customer installs leverage the LDAP integration feature for not only managing the Viewpoint users but for password management and security aspects....
View ArticleTRM - Setting equal leads distribution in TRM 6.3 - response (2) by...
Hi Andyling, thanks for the reply btw, can you elaborate more on that?
View ArticleCan Teradata display the Quarter value of a date? - response (3) by CarlosAL
Mark: You can calculate the quarter from dates as ((CAST(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM fecha) AS BYTEINT)-1)/4)+1 BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request or BTEQ command: SELECT DATE, ((CAST(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DATE) AS...
View ArticleCreate database and database space concepts - response (4) by usmans
Thanks Dnoeth, This clears up a lot of confusion and helps me clearing my concepts regarding the space. Cheers
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