The string contains an untranslatable character during Fastexport - forum...
Hi Experts, While fastexporting from a table to a text file in record mode, i am getting "The string contains an untranslatable character" error.In my fastexport, i am casting a decimal field to...
View ArticleThe string contains an untranslatable character during Fastexport - response...
View ArticleConvert Varbyte to Character - response (5) by suhailmemon84
Anyone? Can I get a copy of the function: VarbyteToVarchar.c? I can't seem to find it anywere on the internet. Regards, Suhail
View ArticleCast CHAR/VARCHAR to VARBYTE - response (8) by suhailmemon84
Hi Dieter/Veskojl, I'm looking for something to do the reverse: convert a varbyte back to varchar. I'm really in search of a UDF or some method within teradata to convert varbyte to varchar. So I'm...
View ArticleLoad FASTLOAD Error Records into Required Format - forum topic by suhailmemon84
I need to store the value in the DataParcel column(which is of VARBYTE datatype) in the first error table of FASTLOAD into a permanent teradata table but with a proper format(The ddl of this table will...
View Articlebteq export and import for _ET dataparcel - response (15) by suhailmemon84
Hi Feinholz, You mentioned earlier that there was going to be some consideration towards building a tool that will potential be able to decode the dataparcel column in the _ET table in a convenient...
View Articlebteq export and import for _ET dataparcel - response (16) by suhailmemon84
One mistake in my previous post is that we're currently using FASTLOAD instead of the TPT LOAD operatore. But we're also open to converting the ETL of this job to TPT if handling the error records...
View ArticleHow to use Merge Statement in Stored Proc - forum topic by pkumar0702
Merge Statement Error code 5758 Could some please help on this .Getting below error while executing Merge Statement on Teradata 13.10 . Error :- Teradata code 5758 The search condition must...
View ArticleTeradata Service not starting - response (9) by vinodmaanju
Run the following command to start "net start recond" and wait for sometime and then try.
View ArticleNFS Mount : mount server reported tcp not available, falling back to udp :...
If your nfs client has this: # mount -t nfs NFSSERVERNAME:/Disk /desitnation_Folder mount server reported tcp not available, falling back to udp mount: RPC: Program not registered and this: # rpcinfo...
View ArticleMeasure CPU Consumption of Utility Jobs - forum topic by suhailmemon84
Hello, Is there any way to measure the total AMPCPUTIME consumed by any MLOAD/FLOAD/FEXP job post completion? The values from the dbql(sum of ampcputime for a particular LSN number) does not seem...
View ArticleTracking Time When Last Accessed - forum topic by Kishore_1
Which DBC table(s) can be used to know when an database object (table/view/store proc/macro) was last accesed (for sel/insert/update etc.) ? I can use the DBCLogTbl for that purpose to see the query...
View ArticleSession Pooling - response (2) by Kishore_1
Thanks for the info. Correction: The reference manual reffered above is Teradata Director Program Reference
View ArticleUsing FLOOR() function over a Bigint Columns - response (2) by bala2121
Thanks Dieter for your timely response. Casting into Bigint works fine. Regards, Bala
View ArticleHow to connect to TeraData in SHell Script - forum topic by datastage4you
Hi Teame I am new to teradata, I haved DB2, in which for connection to DB is quite easy, just call profile and connect to db and we can use UNIX command after SQL if need to do with that. I have...
View ArticleTracking Time When Last Accessed - response (1) by Harpreet Singh
Hi Kishore, If you look at dbc.tables, there are two columns which give access count and last access timestamp. Thanks
View Articleconversion of string to date - forum topic by chanukyahere
Hi, Can someone help me in achieving the below format - converting from string to date..? Existing data - AUGUST 2012 - Its a varchar Desired data - 2012/07 - It should be date. Thanks, Chanukya.Tags:...
View ArticleTERADATA MAPPING MANAGER INSTALL FOR VMWARE - forum topic by z1reticuli
There is a decent number of .pdf's on the install, but none have details on how to install TMM on virtual machine. Can someone guide me?Tags: tmmmappingmanagervmwareForums: Data Modeling
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (56) by Priyanka_Bhakuni
Hi, Please share the material to me at Thanks in advance!! Regards, Priyanka
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