data conversion - forum topic by mensssanvi
This field Resid_Mat is rounding to to 2 decimal places, thus having an effect on the Num_payment field calculation as per attached sql. Does anyone know how I can remedy this? Any help will be much...
View ArticleCreating a new secondary index on table - response (8) by pawan0608
Is it a custom table or a system defined DBQL table in DBC ?
View ArticleVMWARE - Installing Linux TD VMWARE. - response (8) by Max William
Still Im not getting exact solution...Please share valuable information..
View ArticleQuestionnaire: User's Trust in Cloud Computing - response (7) by Max William
Yes you are right..I will also trust cloud computing..But disadvantage is any cloud computing service provider can access our data..But we can avoid that by encrypted password..
View ArticleError while replying to a Post - forum topic by pawan0608
It seems that there is some error with below post as when I try to reply to this post it doesn't work. As a database person, I can guess, it is may be because of some locking issue or may be any other...
View ArticleArcmain - response (3) by pawan0608
I have used ARCMAIN and TARA and usually they run smoothly. I am not sure what type of objects you are trying to restore. If possible, try copy instead of restore to see if it is successful or not
View ArticlePlease explain the different behavious of substr - response (1) by shilpa1
For integer first byte is a Signed Byte, which is used for storing sign "+/-". Thats why for positive value, you are getting " 12" as output.
View ArticlePlease explain the different behavious of substr - response (2) by dnoeth
SUBSTR(CAST(12345 AS VARCHAR(5)),1,3) This is an explicit cast to a VARCHAR using ANSI style syntax, which results in a left-aligned string, the result is the same as a SUBSTR('12345', 1, 3)....
View ArticleDrop Temporary Tables - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Tony, DROP TEMPORARY TABLE db1.table1 ALL; This drops bith the template and all materiaklized versions. If there's an open transaction using that table the drop will be blocked until the transaction...
View ArticlePlease explain the different behavious of substr - response (3) by barani_sachin
Thanks for the explanation :)
View ArticleDrop Temporary Tables - response (2) by pawan0608
I guess, we can't use TEMPORARY keyword with ALL
View ArticleError while replying to a Post - response (1) by dnoeth
I just tried it and it worked :-) But i had a similar problem a few days ago, after hitting the "submit response" there was a "page could not be displayed" error. Just for a single post, don't know...
View ArticleWarning message when using Dynamic cursor - - forum topic by kganesan
Hi, I am trying to executed a procedure having dynamic cursor which returning result set from a unix script. Whenever i run the script, it give a warming message as below*** Procedure has been...
View ArticleError while replying to a Post - response (2) by pawan0608
Yes, I too had a problem with single post, but now it is working. If it happens with others also some time, we should report it to Neil, so that he can report it to DevX Techincal team.
View ArticleSQL to import string with comma (,) from a file using SQL Assistant -...
ok. I got the temporary solution. Because we dont get pipe in the actual data. So, I saved the file with '|' as delimiter. then I changed the delimiter from comma to a pipe in TDA. Thanks!
View ArticleRecursive View - response (2) by thisisKumar
May be this is not the right way. but just throwing an idea. How about creating a another view with the same table defintions and data? or atleast a temporary table? So that we could jon these 2...
View ArticleSQL to import string with comma (,) from a file using SQL Assistant -...
I didn't test it, but did you try to set "enclose column data in" in options -> import/export to "single quotes"? Dieter
View ArticleCase Statement on an Inline View - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Haarish, could you show the SQL? Is there any RANDOM/SAMPLE/OLAP function in the Derived Table? Dieter
View ArticleQuery using the Sys_Calendar to return quarterly results - response (1) by...
What exactly are you looking for? There are already quarter_of_year and quarter_of_calendar columns in sys_calendar. And a calculation of start and edn of quarter as date would be somehing like start:...
View ArticleProblem with title line when using .export report - forum topic by andyh2000
Hi, I am having the following problem when trying to create a CSV report to email out. The title line of the report is showing up like this...
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