Creating a new secondary index on table - response (4) by teradatauser2
hi pawan, using this table doesn't help much, not sue how this table logs this data, insead i used a table dbqlobjtl_sum, this keeps summary of indexes etc. that helped. thanks anyways.
View ArticleCREATE TABLE Failed. 3933: The Maximum Possible Row Length in the Table is...
Do the text 'CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC' always need to exist when creating a char type column? What is the best approach to load data from a VSAM file to Teradata.
View ArticleCheck for special character in a string - response (3) by Chandrashekarks
Thanks Chaudary and Dieter. I tried 'with recursive', it worked. Regards Chandrashekar K S
View ArticleFULL PRIMARY INDEX - response (5) by Adeel Chaudhry
Full primary index is .... as Peter said .... combination of all PI columns. Every statement .... INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE .... does use PI in one way or another .... but you dont have to specify...
View ArticleAggregate Operations with Case Specific data - response (1) by Adeel Chaudhry
Please share your query for getting the SUM. Ideally it should return seperate SUM values for Aa and AA. Also, share the DDL of the table you are doing SUM on, are the columns defined as case-specific?
View ArticleIssue with Decimal(38,0) data type in BTEQ - response (6) by drmkd17
Hi, I have created a table like create table a(col1 decimal(38,0),b integer) i want to keep my col1 as identity. But when i look at the table in bteq it shows a dot after the value. Why does this dot...
View ArticleIssue with Decimal(38,0) data type in BTEQ - response (7) by dnoeth
You can use any DEC(x,0) as identity, but the range of a BIGINT is probably enough and it's only 8 bytes instead of 16 bytes for storage. And the setting to remove the dot is an appropriate format....
View ArticleAggregate Operations with Case Specific data - response (2) by dnoeth
Hi Mandar, the returned value is any of the existing values (more or less random), tere is no built-in rule like "prefer upper over lower case". If you want consistent output you should add UPPER or...
View ArticleCREATE TABLE Failed. 3933: The Maximum Possible Row Length in the Table is...
The CREATE was output of a SHOW TABLE, which automatically adds character set info. If you don't specify it there's a default: - for CHARACTER SET based on the default for the submitting user - for...
View Articlefastexport - response (5) by bilal.farooq
Hello DiEgor, Can you share a sample fast-export script that uses your above mentioned technique. Many thanks in advance. Regards, Bilal
View ArticleXML Services - XML Shredding - forum topic by jhessie.g
Hi Guys, With regards to XML shredding, I tried to use SYSXML.XMLXPATH_SHRED1_U but there is an error executing it using my example query below: select a.* from...
View ArticleTeradata Aster: Transfer files from local host to VM - response (1) by CarlosAL
You can use FTP/SFTP or (maybe better for your needs) enable the 'Shared Folder' option in VMware player. HTH. Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleWhy subqueries in case are not working in teradata? - response (11) by Jessy...
Can you please give me solution for above said?
View Articlethe price of Teradata 14 Certification Exams - forum topic by williambaldwin
TD 12 PRICE: Teradata 12 Database Administration 160 USD Teradata 12 Solutions Development 160 USD Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture 160 USD TD 14 PRICE: Teradata 14 Database Administration...
View Articlethe price of Teradata 14 Certification Exams - response (1) by williambaldwin
i saw these message from
View ArticleProblem with Aliases - forum topic by drmkd17
Hi, I am facing a problem in Teradata I want to create view in DAtabase1 and have my tables in Database2 Create view Database1.view1 as sel a.col1 , a.col2 from database2.table 1 a, database2.table 2 b...
View ArticleGet question on Sum function in TD - response (2) by xiangpzhang
thank u Shilpa will try later -Peter
View ArticleTeradata Aster: Transfer files from local host to VM - response (2) by Ankit...
Hi Carlos, Thanks for your reply. I am not able to ping the virtual machine server from my local system. I am not sure how to setup the connection between them. Could you please help me out with this....
View ArticleTeradata Aster: Transfer files from local host to VM - response (3) by CarlosAL
You ought to check the virtual network configuration for your VM. The NAT/BRIDGED/HOST ONLY, ipconfig / ifconfig , masks... It seems to be a VMware issue, not a Teradata one. Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleFind the value of the latest date - forum topic by sbidurukoti
Hi, I have to get the value for the latest date..Say I have ID and Event Date fields. I need to get the ID of the latest "Event Date". I know latest date could be achieved by using MAX, I would like to...
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