Type of Lock During a Multiple statement Request- - response (3) by dnoeth
Hi Nishant, in both cases it's a write lock, because a write lock "includes" a read lock and the most restrictive lock is set at the beginning of the request. Just Explain the MSR... Dieter
View ArticleJoining Strategy- - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Nishant, yes, the Nested Join might need no spool, but it's for joining a single row (or a very small set of data). There are several subtypes of Nested Joins with differnt plans, you'll find more...
View ArticleDifference between Merge and Update statements - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Sudhakar, when both sorce and target share the same PI definition you should get AMP-local processing without redistribution, this is one of the advantages of Merge. Could you show some more...
View ArticleReceiving Failure 2673 The source parcel length does not match data that was...
Hi Sudipta, the error is obvious, you define Load_END as a TIMESTAMP instead of VARCHAR :-) You should also add a FORMAT to the cast to TIME due to AM/PM: CAST(:Load_END AS TIME(0) FORMAT...
View ArticleTPT19350 I/O error on file - response (6) by 02CSE33
Hi Devallu, I too have faced the error "TPT19350 I/O error on file". The probablities of this sort as per my exposure is as follows: 1. Huge size of file exported from different source. And the agreed...
View ArticleReceiving Failure 2673 The source parcel length does not match data that was...
Hi Dieter, I am really puzzled with Timestamp handling. I have re-arranged my data as : SUBSCRIBER_REPORT|SUBSCRIBER_REPORT|N|2013-03-12|2013-03-13|2013-03-13 12:30:00|2013-03-13...
View ArticleReceiving Failure 2673 The source parcel length does not match data that was...
Hi Sudipta, there are different datatypes in Teradata for DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP. When you cast a string to a time you can't use a date part, when you cast to a date you can't use a time part. In...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (42) by peenpoon
Hi, Can you send the material to santosh_rongali@yahoo.com ? Thanks so much and appreciate your help on this Thanks Santosh
View ArticleDo not work the Teradata FASTLOAD wizard of teradata studio express. - forum...
Hi at all. Can somebody help me, I have the folllwing problem. I'm trying to use the Fastload utility with teradata studio express SQL Assistant but I have this Error:Error inserting data. Check the...
View ArticleDo not work the Teradata FASTLOAD wizard of teradata studio express. -...
In the TERADATA LOAD option I specify and insert all options that wizard requires as the source data file, File Type (.txt, .csv, etc.), Column Delimiter(comma, tab, pipe, etc) and Character String...
View ArticleInformatica supports teradata TIME STAMP WITH TIME ZONE or not?? - forum...
Hi Experts, I am getting an error during Informatica load into teradata column (TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) .. Input data in the Informatica is like '2011-09-09 12:12:12 2.333333 EUROPE/LONDON' when...
View ArticleIs the popular opinion that DELETE ALL doesnt use the Transient Journal true?...
Hi Dieter/Fred, Just want to clear my doubt that if DELETE statement is the last/Only statement whether its a ANSI or TD mode , it will always Omit the TJ .. Am I Correct here? Please correct me if i...
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (43) by Dilipreddyt
Hi, Can you send me the study material at dilipn1.one@gmail.com please. Appreciate & Regards, Dilip Reddy
View ArticleTeradata Training Material available - response (44) by Dilipreddyt
Hi, Can you send me the study material at dilipn1.one@gmail.com please. Appreciate & Regards, Dilip Reddy
View Articlequalify rank() over (partition.....question - response (7) by Kanch
Hi Dieter , I have the similar requirement with slight change , need your Help in that - My dataset is as below - Company ID Effective Date Status Codes C1 1st March...
View ArticleTraining - response (1) by cshanmug
Any good training institute in India to learn Teradata
View Article'If' .. Then statement in Teradata ? - forum topic by DataHead
HI, I need to find a way to SUM a field where, IF it contains a '0', I want to replace it with some text or any other value. So the value isn't NULL & NULLIF won't work. The syntax would be...
View Article'If' .. Then statement in Teradata ? - response (1) by DataHead
Got it, CASE WHEN Billed_Amount = 0.000 THEN'No_Chrg' ELSE Billed_Amount END AS Billed_Amt
View Article'If' .. Then statement in Teradata ? - response (2) by KS42982
The option you put would work for sure, there is one more way you can do it - COALESCE(NULLIFZERO(Billed_Amount),'No_Charge')
View ArticleConverting Rows to Columns - response (1) by KS42982
Try to use WITH RECURSIVE to do the row to column conversion, that would be neat, faster and dynamic.
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