Teradata query doubt important - response (8) by dnoeth
You should try to avoid loops and cursor logic (which is serial) in a parallel database system :-) You can use any table with numbers in it, you could even use a ROW_NUMBER on any table large enough....
View ArticleWhat is a building block approach to building semantic data models? -...
I think that building blocks are really a good idea for Semantic Modelling. In my opinion, it is posible to have a good 3NF as Core and have one or more Semantic Models laying on top of it, because...
View ArticleTeradata V14 Certification - topic by Cvinodh
Hi all, I recently recieved an E-mail inviting me to take the TD-14 beta certification exams. I am a Teradata V12 certified technical specialist. I am planning to take further V12 certifications. How...
View ArticleTPT script: Disconnecting the session - topic by devallu_y
Hi All, I have requirement to load the table from file with TPT script. syntax to execute TPT: tbuild -f SCRIPT -v <tptpass>But the table was not loading givig an error as "entering Acquisition...
View ArticleTPT script: Disconnecting the session - response (1) by ulrich
You didn't give any kind of information beside that you have a problem - not even the error code. So how do you expect that someone can help you? Minimum is to share the script and the log - at least...
View ArticleER model and dimensional model - topic by vijayshankar245
Hi, 1.Please explain the difference between ER model and dimensional model in a simple manner 2.Is it necessary that tables present in both ER model and Dimensional model should be in third normal...
View ArticleAuto-Abort of disconnected Sessions - response (1) by JPawling
I would like to know how to do this as well. Does anyone know if there is something in Viewpoint that can be set up to kill these Idle sessions?
View ArticleER model and dimensional model - response (1) by sbarreda
Hi! 1. Well, in simple words, ER is a way of representing models, you can have Relational, Dimensional o Conceptual models in ER diagrams. If you mean Relational by ER, the main difference is that...
View ArticleHow do I get Dense Ranking instead of Modified competition ranking? -...
i think we can go with DISTINCT, Dervied table and Join concept.. Sel t1.col1, t1.col2, t1.R1 as sales Rank from table as t1 inner join (Sel sales, Rank(sales) as R1 from (sel distinct sales from...
View ArticleAccidental Cartesian Join Bug - topic by benjaminpwarren
I've recently noticed that the Teradata parsing engine doesn't pick up on / given an error for 'accidental cartesians' or, to use another term to make it more clear why I think this is a significant...
View ArticleForum email notifications temporarily disabled - response (7) by WAQ
Ok thanks, yes I'll report the issue.
View ArticlePassword change issue with Studio 14.01 and DB 12.x - topic by caleb
Hello I am having this problem since a few versions of Studio. We have a strict policy regarding passwords and even a single bad attempt during password change process locks me out. It seems like its...
View ArticleGetting a unique value for VARCHAR field. - response (3) by apulava
Hi Dieter, Can you please help me for my problem. We have TAX_ID field in one of our tables and we are trying to mask that value and so mask value should be unique per given TAX_ID. So we are trying to...
View Articlequalify rank() over (partition.....question - response (6) by prawen
what is the replacement of "qualify rank()" which is in the teradata to informix query.?
View ArticleTeradata V14 Certification - response (1) by WAQ
And what about TD-13? There should be TD-13 before going to TD-14. And secondly right now TD-12 certification is available, so I don't think that one can do TD-14. Was that email came from Teradata?
View ArticleTeradata V14 Certification - response (2) by dnoeth
There's a new certification very other major release: R2V3, R2V5, TD12, TD14. Beta-phase for some TD14 tests is upcoming: http://www.teradata.com/tcpp/Teradata-14-Exams/ TD12 certification will...
View ArticleOreplace limitation - topic by teradatauser2
Hi, Does the Oreplace function in teradata has any limitation.
View ArticlePDCR Viewpoint Alert - topic by oahmad1
Hello, I started receiving this alert 2 days back from our viewpoint server and was wondering if anyone has seen this before and can point out where to start looking to see what's wrong. Any help...
View ArticlePDCR Viewpoint Alert - response (1) by gryback
PDCR is a Teradata PS offering. I'll pass your concern along to our PS representative for that offering to either provide a response or get back to you.
View ArticleSASPlex SQL and Teradata - topic by buTriGirl
I am creating SQL code in the SASPlex environment that has to transfer data from SASPlex to Teradata, run SQL in Teradata, and transfer data back to SASPlex. My original code runs in Teradata with no...
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