Seeking a Cleared Data Engineer / Systems Integrator to support USAF HQ AMC...
Systems Integrator / Data Engineer Job Description Provides extremely high level subject matter expertise for work described in the program/task. Provides advanced technical knowledge and analysis of...
View ArticleTeradata Studio Express - response (2) by fgrimmer
Can you make sure that you are running 64-bit and JVM 1.6 or later? Check to see if there is a config log in the configuration directory. the configuration directory is in the Teradata Express folder...
View ArticleError when loading table using OLE Load - response (1) by feinholz
Why would you use OLELoad to load data from a flat file into Teradata when we have our standard load/unload products that are much faster?
View ArticleTeradata export to DB2 using TPT - response (1) by feinholz
Our load/unload products are created to load data into Teradata. TPT only loads into Teradata.
View ArticleUtilities to export data from Teradata to Oracle? - response (1) by feinholz
Our load/unload products are created to load data into Teradata.
View ArticleGeospatial data into Teradata Database - response (1) by Cliff L
Hi, Teradata has a free tool, TD GeoImport/Export, that translates Shape files into a format that can be stored in Teradata. You can find that...
View ArticleMigration of Special Characters of UNICODE to TERADATA - response (4) by Fred
Do you export from SQL Server as UTF16? Did you specify "-c UTF16" option in the MLOAD invocation?
View ArticleIs it good to creating SET table with UPI or NUPI and why..? - response (4)...
What is going to be the use of the table? What type of data is expected? Is it going to be History Handled? Is it going to be loaded near real-time? Will it be used in joins majority of the times?...
View ArticleProcedures Calling Procedures with Dynamic Result Sets (from TD notes) -...
There has to be some error description, code .... ?
View Articlehow to create a user, database and table in sql assistant? - response (5) by...
I dont think they are default ones .... better ask who granted them. :)
View ArticleUnique primary key voilation Error - response (1) by Adeel Chaudhry
And the error is .... ? Some detials might help.
View ArticleLENGTH() function in bteq - response (2) by Adeel Chaudhry
Yes, CHARACTER_LENGTH will surely work.
View ArticleTeradata studio connection to mds : Could not log on user - response (2) by...
From looking at the log, it looks like the first attempt to logon fails wihout a user name or password, but then it succeeds after that. So trying to find out what was done by the user at that point....
View ArticleAMP - Storing the Record - response (4) by Adeel Chaudhry
In such a scenario .... one should think before choosing a PI. It is not a bug of Teradata .... it just doesn't expect a PI to be a column which have only 2 unique values .... imagine a warehouse for...
View ArticleWill volatile tables be dropped? - response (15) by Adeel Chaudhry
We had an implementation where VTs were being created in dynamic-SQL .... and after some update patch installation same SPs running for months started to fail. On investigation we had to do following...
View ArticleSQL assistant v13 Query builder empty - response (2) by v_gabrielli
thks Mike, I will try this tmrw morning.. now that you put me on the right path I have a good idea of what is needed.. it works fine on my laptop.. worst case I can copy my files onto the other...
View ArticleUsing the rexexp_substr function in TD14 - forum topic by DFJoe
Hi All, I am trying to use the regexp_substr function in TD14 (Version I want to be able to return a specified group result (in the simple example below, I expect 'Alex' to be returned,...
View Articlerow concatenation for dummies? AKA oracle wm_concat() teradata equivalent -...
Hi Ashish, I think its explained above by emilwu, one can use recursive queries to achieve the concatenation heres another example- Assuming that tb1 is the table conataining your data create multiset...
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