DIFF BETWEEN PRIMARY KEY AND PRIMARY INDEX - response (1) by barani_sachin
Using Primary Index Teradata distributes the data in it's AMP's. Primary Key is an logical concept used by all the RDBMS, and it helps to uniquely identify each record in a Table.
View ArticleDBSControl Internal flag DISABLECAR - response (1) by Duri83
Hi, so if anyone will read this and was wondering. This can disable Column Access Rights.
View ArticleCovered Query - forum topic by rajeev saravanan
Hi All, I would like to know about Covered query , what it is and how does it improve the performance ? When do we decide to go for a covered query Regards R.RajeevForums: Database
View ArticleJdbc Driver - What's New in .. - forum topic by jld@fitc
Hi there, I am looking at the Jdbc driver documentation (first steps) and have the impression there is a docu which is version unrelated (how is works now). I am looking for some more specific like: ....
View ArticleNeed help to improve the performance of the query - forum topic by Gowtham
please help me to improve the performance of the below query, it is running for nearly 15hrs... sel columns from ((sel columns from TABLE where conditions) V0300 INNER JOIN (sel columns from TABLE...
View ArticleTable partitioning on TIMESTAMP(3) in Teradata 13 - response (11) by KS42982
There are lot of documents available online to understand the primary index mechanism of data distribution. If you are new then you can start with this very basic document....
View ArticleDifference between Create table Statements - response (8) by KS42982
That is true the PI of second case is the same as the table as I took the definition of table1 to create table2. However, I thought in the option 1 when you do CREATE TABLE AS SELECT, the new table...
View ArticleSQL Assistant - Not able to Define ODBC Data Source through Teradata SQL...
I know there is a problem with Windows 8 and the VB6 Shell command (Teradata Administrator uses VB6) but I wasn't aware that there was any problem with Windows 7, or .Net. I could maybe undestand if it...
View ArticleCannot import file using Fastload - response (1) by dnoeth
Well, the export used mode RECORD and format FASTLOAD (=internal binary format), but you try to load using VARTEXT (delimited text format).You have to change the DEFINE to match exactly the column...
View ArticleDBC View for privileges for all users? - response (2) by kjcohen
I may not have explained as well as I could have.So when doing a sel * from dbc.userrolerights I receive a list of every rolename / databasename / tablename / columnname / accessright / grantorname for...
View ArticleDBC View for privileges for all users? - response (3) by dnoeth
Ok, why don't you join it to dbc.RoleMembersV?Dieter
View ArticleRounding down decimals - forum topic by aodabasio
I have a very simple request. Rounding down to the full number. For example I have a duration 0.9585, I want to show it as 0. If I have duration as 2.8505, I want to show it as 2.Forums: Database
View ArticleTVS Portlet - forum topic by VandeBergB
The TVS portlet shows me the 'balance' of the cylinders allocated to each bucket, hot, fast, medium.... Is there a way to identify what data is where, i.e. by database or table? Thanks!Tags: tvsForums:...
View ArticleTVS Portlet - response (1) by stever
This data is not available in Viewpoint today. I believe you need to use the FERRET SHOWWHERE command to get the cylinder temperature by table.
View ArticlePenalty Box - response (1) by gryback
A "Penalty Box" is more of a workload management strategy than Viewpoint (although you configure workload management with Viewpoint portlets). The idea of a penalty box workload is to move queries,...
View ArticleDid anyone store RDF data (Resource Description Framework) data on Teradata ?...
@ulrich - I have any unstructured data. I will have ontology decide, and I will have text mining on these unstructured data. I want to store these output to RDF data into teradata. Did you do the same?
View ArticleError while accessing Workload Designer Portal in Viewpoint - response (1) by...
If you are sure that all the permissions are correct. I'd suggest referencing the other Viewpoint forum on this at:http://forums.teradata.com/forum/viewpoint/error-when-starting-workload-designer
View ArticleSQL Assistant - Not able to Define ODBC Data Source through Teradata SQL...
I think you should submit a GSC incident at this point for further analysis and resolution.
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